Meghan Markle Strongly Dislikes the UK

Meghan Markle Strongly Dislikes the UK

In recent developments, Meghan Markle’s apparent disdain for the UK has become a focal point of discussion among royal watchers and the public alike. The Duchess of Sussex’s reluctance to return to the UK has been a subject of much speculation, especially as Prince Harry prepares to host his Invictus Games event in the country. While Harry has expressed a desire to reconnect with his family, particularly his father, King Charles, who is currently battling cancer, Meghan’s stance remains firm.

Royal expert Richard Fitzwilliams has issued a stark warning to Meghan regarding the potential backlash she might face if she decides to accompany Harry on his UK visit. Fitzwilliams suggests that Meghan’s actions over the past few years have not endeared her to the British public, and her presence could generate significant negative publicity.

Meghan’s last visit to the UK was in 2022, and since then, her relationship with the British media and public has only deteriorated. Reports indicate that Prince William and Kate Middleton had extended an invitation to Meghan and Harry to bring their children along on their UK trip. However, Meghan reportedly declined, citing safety concerns. Fitzwilliams, however, believes that security is being used as an excuse, stating that the UK would ensure their safety on a case-by-case basis.

Earlier this year, Harry lost a High Court case against the UK Home Office, which aimed to reverse a decision that downgraded his security classification. This decision was made because Harry is no longer a “working royal,” and it has added to the couple’s grievances. Fitzwilliams points out that this loss provides Meghan with a “perfect excuse” not to visit the UK.

The couple’s recent public appearances, such as at a star-studded event organized by their charity, The Archewell Foundation, show them in a relaxed and comfortable light. However, their standing in the UK remains precarious. Both Harry and Meghan have faced increasing unpopularity in the UK, especially after the release of Harry’s controversial memoir, “Spare,” and their Netflix documentary. These projects have painted a less-than-flattering picture of the royal family and have not been well-received by the British public.

Meghan’s decision not to attend King Charles III’s coronation further fueled speculation about her feelings towards the UK. Fear of being booed on the streets of London and the humiliation of being relegated to “non-working royal” status were likely significant factors in her decision. This status denies them the right to appear on the Buckingham Palace balcony during the coronation celebrations, a symbolic gesture of their diminished role within the royal family.

The trajectory of Harry and Meghan’s relationship with the British monarchy has been a downward spiral. Their attacks on the institution have backfired, alienating both the British and American public. Their political activism has also not helped their cause, leading to growing calls in London for the couple to be stripped of their royal titles.

The rift between Harry and Meghan and the rest of the royal family has only deepened since their explosive 2021 interview with Oprah Winfrey. The interview, which included unproven allegations of racism within the royal household, has caused significant tension. The couple’s actions have isolated them from the larger royal family, making reconciliation seem unlikely.

King Charles has extended an olive branch by including Harry in the coronation, but there is no sign of any reconciliation between Harry and his brother, Prince William. The Sussexes’ future within the royal family appears bleak, with their focus seemingly shifting towards building personal wealth through media deals and production ventures in California.

Meghan and Harry’s saga is a modern-day tragedy, marked by narcissism, hubris, and greed. Once a beloved couple, they have burned bridges on both sides of the Atlantic in their pursuit of a vendetta against the royal family. Their standing in the eyes of the British monarchy is close to zero, and their attempts to undermine the institution have failed spectacularly.

As Meghan continues to distance herself from the UK, it becomes increasingly clear that her relationship with the country is fraught with tension and animosity. Her strong dislike for the UK is evident in her actions and decisions, and it remains to be seen how this will impact her and Harry’s future endeavors.

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