Meghan Markle Upset Over Beckhams’ Wealth

Meghan Markle Upset Over Beckhams’ Wealth

In a recent revelation, royal author Tom Bower has shed light on the alleged tension between Meghan Markle and Victoria Beckham, suggesting that Meghan’s irritation over the Beckhams’ wealth played a significant role. According to Bower’s new memoir, Meghan perceived herself as higher in the social hierarchy, a belief that reportedly led to friction between the two high-profile couples.

Bower’s biography delves into the dynamics of Meghan’s world, where status is often measured by wealth and fame. He claims that Meghan, accustomed to the celebrity culture, was irked to find that the Beckhams possessed significantly more wealth. The Beckhams’ lifestyle, which includes multiple homes, private jets, and luxurious yacht invitations, reportedly contrasted sharply with Meghan’s expectations, even as she was on the verge of becoming a duchess.

The friendship between the Sussexes and the Beckhams, once seemingly strong, has deteriorated over the years. The Beckhams were notable guests at Prince Harry and Meghan’s wedding in 2018, but the relationship soured following accusations from the Sussexes that the Beckhams had leaked stories to the press. This accusation reportedly left David Beckham “absolutely furious,” and sources suggest that reconciliation is now highly unlikely.

An insider recounted an awkward exchange between Harry and David, where Harry, protective of Meghan, confronted David about the alleged leaks. David, taken aback, clarified the situation, and while the two men agreed to move on, the incident left a lasting strain on their relationship.

Lizzie Cundy, a former friend of Meghan, noted that the Beckhams, like many others, have distanced themselves from the Sussexes. She emphasized that the Beckhams, known for their strong family values, would not have leaked stories, further highlighting the growing rift.

Bower’s book also touches on Meghan’s initial interactions with Victoria Beckham, which were reportedly cordial. Victoria offered Meghan advice on beauty treatments and even extended hospitality during Meghan’s visits to Los Angeles. However, the relationship took a turn for the worse after a story in The Sun reported that Victoria had given Meghan make-up advice. Meghan, sensitive to media scrutiny, was outraged and believed Victoria was behind the leak, leading to further tension.

The biographer suggests that Prince William’s close relationship with the Beckhams may have also contributed to the strain. The Beckhams have a long-standing friendship with William and Kate, which reportedly irked the Sussexes, who were already feeling overshadowed by the Cambridges.

In a bid to “punish” the Beckhams, the Sussexes allegedly did not invite them to their wedding dinner, despite inviting other celebrities like George Clooney, whom Meghan did not personally know. This exclusion further strained the relationship, which commentators now describe as “frosty.”

Bower’s previous book, “Revenge: Meghan, Harry and the War Between the Windsors,” also highlighted instances of Meghan’s dissatisfaction, such as her complaints about hotel accommodations and her insistence on using an alias to avoid paparazzi before her relationship with Harry became public.

The new biography, “The House of Beckham: Money, Sex and Power,” set to be released on June 20, promises to provide more insights into the complex relationships and power dynamics at play. Representatives for the Sussexes have yet to comment on the claims made in the book.

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