Mexican actress Renata Del Castillo, battling terminal cancer, seeks help: “I want to keep going!”

Mexican actress Renata Del Castillo, battling terminal cancer, seeks help: “I want to keep going!”

When Renata Del Castillo was diagnosed with cancer in 2020, she expressed her determination to fight for her son, Mateo. However, she recently revealed that she’s decided to stop her chemotherapy treatment due to severe side effects. In a heartfelt statement, she explained, “I will no longer be able to undergo chemotherapy. I spoke with my oncologist about the bleeding caused by the treatment. This, unfortunately, accelerates the advancement of the cancer, but I have a lot of faith and will continue to fight.”

Despite being given a grim prognosis, the talented actress from the soap opera "When You Are Mine" has not lost hope. She is now seeking financial assistance to undergo a new medical procedure. This process starts with an oncological precision study, which will allow her to receive appropriate treatments. In a video shared on her Instagram account, Renata stated, “I have terminal cancer, and doctors have given up on me. Chemotherapy has been contraindicated due to a series of complications that have nearly taken my life.”

Renata shared her motivation for continuing to fight. “This targeted therapy gives me the strength to keep going for myself and for my son, Mateo. He only has me, and I only have him. I want to see him grow and be there for him,” she emphasized. To fund the necessary study, she is requesting help to gather 190,000 Mexican pesos (approximately $10,270). She hopes this will lead to a suitable treatment plan that won’t further harm her body.

In her plea, she also expressed gratitude for the support she has received. "God has blessed me with two people who have introduced me to the latest advancements in oncological medicine. This precision medicine is my last chance to live and stay with my Mateo," she wrote. She urgently requested assistance, urging people to share her story to reach a wider audience.

Renata concluded by reinforcing her unwavering faith and resolve, stating, “I want to keep going."

You can watch her video on Instagram here.

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