Miranda Derrick claims life in danger due to alleged cult ties

Miranda Derrick claims life in danger due to alleged cult ties

Miranda Derrick Claims Life in Danger Due to Alleged Cult Ties

TikTok star Miranda Derrick has recently voiced grave concerns about her safety following the release of Netflix’s docuseries “Dancing for the Devil: The 7M TikTok Cult.” The series, which premiered in May, has thrust Derrick into the spotlight, with her family alleging that she severed ties with them three years ago after joining the talent management company 7M Films.

7M Films, co-founded by Derrick and her husband James Derrick, is linked to Robert Shinn, a Los Angeles-based pastor associated with the controversial Shekinah Church. In a video posted on Instagram on June 10, Miranda expressed her fears, stating, “Before this documentary, my husband and I felt safe. Now that this documentary is out, we feel like our lives have been put in danger.”

The 27-year-old detailed the harassment she and James have faced, including being followed in their cars, receiving hate mail, and enduring death threats. “Someone said that, ‘If I see you on the street, I’m going to come and gut you so you better get security,'” she shared. “Someone also said that, ‘If I see you walking on the sidewalk, I’m going to come and shove you in the trunk of my car.'”

Miranda also highlighted the strain the documentary has placed on her already complicated relationship with her family, particularly her parents and sister Melanie Wilking. “Honestly, I don’t understand how my parents and my sister thought that this documentary would help me,” she said, “or would help our relationship in any way.”

The docuseries delves into the family’s attempts to reconnect with Miranda, who they claim reestablished contact last year after a prolonged silence. However, Miranda feels betrayed by their involvement in the project. “Things are a little slower and I’m not posting as much,” she explained to her fans. “Just bear with me, I’m getting through this. I see the light at the end of the tunnel.”

While Miranda views the documentary as a “one-sided story,” her sister Melanie has a different perspective. “They were reached out to many times,” Melanie told Access Hollywood regarding Miranda and James. “And declined every time.”

Melanie, also a TikToker, refuted Miranda’s claims that the family was unsupportive of her religious views, which became more focused on God after she joined 7M in 2020. “I went to two of their private dinners and two of the services that you have to be invited to, and I picked up on all these red flags,” Melanie said. “So, when she’s saying that we weren’t supportive, it was because I was seeing what she wasn’t seeing.”

Melanie alleged that the organization “wanted to rip us apart” after she stopped attending their events. “And sure enough,” she noted, “look where we are.”

In a statement to E! News on June 4, 7M Films described the docuseries as “a slanderous work of fiction, born from a failed extortion attempt, and invented for the sole purpose of gaining fame and fortune.” The organization vowed to pursue all legal remedies to stop the spread of “salacious lies” and expects to be fully vindicated in court.

E! News reached out to Shekinah Church for comment on the docuseries but has not received a response. Netflix also declined to comment when contacted by E! News.

Miranda Derrick has been vocal about her situation on social media, denying any involvement in a cult. In a March 2022 statement, she asserted that it was a “complete lie” to say she wasn’t speaking with her family. “It is just a unique situation with my family where I don’t speak to them as often as before,” she continued, “because who would want to speak with people who completely disagree with you and who don’t respect you?”

7M Films also defended Miranda in a statement to The Daily Beast, calling the allegations “false and sensational” and attributing them to a dispute between Miranda and her estranged family. “Despite her family’s claims, Miranda is a successful businesswoman and a loving wife and daughter who cares very much about her family,” the statement read. “It is pathetic and contemptible to try to turn her private family matters into a tawdry public scandal for clicks and clout.”

The docuseries has sparked a broader conversation about the Shekinah Church and its practices. Former members have come forward with allegations of brainwashing, physical and emotional abuse, and manipulation. In a cross-complaint filed in March 2023, several former members accused Robert Shinn of operating the church like a cult, subjecting members to various forms of abuse and requiring full control over their lives.

As the legal battles continue, Miranda Derrick remains in contact with her family, though their communication is limited. Her mother, Kelly, stated in the series that they have promised not to discuss Robert, Shekinah, or 7M with Miranda. Despite the ongoing tensions, Miranda attended her sister Melanie’s wedding in May, indicating some level of reconciliation.

The unfolding drama surrounding Miranda Derrick and her alleged cult ties continues to captivate audiences, raising questions about the influence of religious organizations and the impact of public scrutiny on personal relationships.

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