Noel Gallagher Names Best Most Practical Advice He Received From Paul Weller It Stuck With Me For Years

Noel Gallagher Names Best Most Practical Advice He Received From Paul Weller It Stuck With Me For Years

Noel Gallagher recently shared a piece of advice from Paul Weller that has profoundly influenced his songwriting approach. The two musicians, who have a long history of collaboration and friendship, first met in the ’90s when Oasis was rising to fame with their debut album, “Definitely Maybe.” During a conversation on the Paul Weller Fan Podcast, hosted by Dan Jennings, Noel recalled the invaluable guidance he received from Weller.

In 1994, when Oasis was at the peak of their initial success, Noel was churning out hit songs effortlessly. However, Weller’s advice was about the inevitable dry spells that every songwriter faces. “When it’s not there, don’t chase it. Just let it go and let it find you,” Weller told him. This advice has stayed with Noel for years and has become a cornerstone of his creative process.

Noel explained that as he grew older, the youthful energy that once fueled his songwriting began to wane. His instinct was to chase the elusive inspiration, but Weller’s words reminded him to be patient. “I always hark back to that,” Noel said, emphasizing the importance of not forcing the creative process.

This approach has proven effective for Noel. He mentioned that sometimes it takes years to finish a song, but if the idea has value, it will eventually come to fruition. “I’ve done that, and sometimes it’s taken me eight years to finish off a song,” he shared. This patience and trust in the creative process have allowed him to produce music that stands the test of time.

Noel also reflected on how this advice has helped him remain calm and composed about his work. Both he and Weller have made numerous records and have seen it all, yet they continue to learn and grow. “I’m calm with it now, and I’d imagine he is too. He’s a lot calmer than he was,” Noel noted.

The two musicians recently collaborated on Weller’s latest album, “66,” with Noel contributing lyrics to the song “Jumble Queen.” Despite their long-standing friendship, Noel still finds Weller’s lyrical abilities awe-inspiring. “His lyrics are amazing to me. If I could write lyrics like that, I’d give up music and be a poet,” he admitted.

Noel and Weller’s collaborative process is unique. They prefer sending each other ideas rather than sitting together with their guitars. This method works well for them, allowing each to bring their best to the table. Noel, who grew up idolizing Weller, still finds it surreal to work with someone he once had posters of on his wall. “It’s like sitting at a table across from McCartney saying, ‘Let’s write a song.’ You quickly realize what a shitkicker you are because he’s amazing,” Noel confessed.

The podcast episode offers a treasure trove of insights for aspiring songwriters, highlighting the importance of patience, trust in the creative process, and the value of collaboration. Noel’s recounting of Weller’s advice serves as a reminder that even the most successful artists face creative challenges and that sometimes, the best approach is to let inspiration come naturally.

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