Prince William Mimics Prince Louis Say Royal Fans

Prince William Mimics Prince Louis Say Royal Fans

Prince William Mimics Prince Louis Say Royal Fans

Royal fans are buzzing with delight after Prince William shared some heartwarming stories about his children, particularly his youngest, Prince Louis. During a recent podcast appearance, the Prince of Wales opened up about the everyday life of his family, revealing that even royal children have their share of sibling squabbles and playful antics.

In a special episode of the Apple Fitness+ podcast “Time to Walk,” Prince William shared candid anecdotes about his children, Prince George, Princess Charlotte, and Prince Louis. One story that particularly charmed listeners was about the morning routine in the royal household. According to William, mornings often start with a lively debate over which song to play, with George and Charlotte each vying for their turn.

“What I’ve been amazed by is how much my children already have inherited my family’s love of music,” William said. “Most mornings there’s a massive fight between Charlotte and George as to what song is played in the morning. And I have to, now, basically prioritize that one day someone does this one, and another day it’s someone else’s turn. So George gets his go, then Charlotte gets her go. Such is the clamor for the music.”

One of the family’s favorite songs is Shakira’s “Waka Waka (This Time for Africa),” a tune that gets everyone in the household moving. William shared that Charlotte, in particular, loves to dance around the kitchen in her dresses and ballet outfits, with little Louis trying his best to mimic her moves.

“Charlotte, particularly, is running around the kitchen in her dresses and ballet stuff and everything. She goes completely crazy with [Prince] Louis following her around trying to do the same thing,” William said, adding that these moments bring a lot of joy and laughter to their home.

The image of Prince Louis trying to keep up with his older sister has endeared the young prince to royal fans, who have taken to social media to express their affection. Many have commented on how relatable the royal family seems, with their everyday struggles and joys mirroring those of families everywhere.

Prince William’s stories have also highlighted his deep connection to his late mother, Princess Diana. He recalled how music played a significant role in his childhood, particularly during car rides back to school. One song that stands out in his memory is Tina Turner’s “The Best,” which Diana would sing at the top of her voice, creating a cherished family moment.

“When I was younger, Harry and I, we were at boarding school. And my mother used to play all sorts of songs to kind of while away the anxiety of going back to school,” William said. “And one of the songs I massively remember and has stuck with me all this time, and I still, to this day, still quite enjoy secretly, is Tina Turner’s ‘The Best’ because sitting in the backseat, singing away, it felt like a real family moment.”

These personal stories have given royal fans a glimpse into the more intimate side of the royal family, showing that despite their public roles, they share the same simple pleasures and challenges as any other family.

In addition to his podcast revelations, Prince William and Kate Middleton recently shared their family Christmas card, featuring a new photograph of the couple with their three children. The photo, taken by photographer Josh Shinner, shows the family in coordinated white button-down shirts and dark pants, capturing a moment of togetherness.

“Our family Christmas card for 2023,” the couple wrote as a caption, expressing their pleasure in sharing the new image with the public.

The Christmas card has sparked a range of reactions from royal fans, with some praising the family’s appearance and noting how much the children have grown. Others have made light-hearted comparisons, with one social media user joking that the photo looks like it could be from a JCPenney catalog.

Despite the mixed reactions, the card has once again brought the royal family into the spotlight, reminding fans of the warmth and unity that define the Wales household.

As Prince William continues to share glimpses of his family’s life, royal fans are sure to remain captivated by the endearing moments and relatable stories that make the royal family feel just a little bit closer to home.

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