Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Unveils New Documentary in Albuquerque

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Unveils New Documentary in Albuquerque

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Unveils New Documentary in Albuquerque

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. – On Saturday, Robert F. Kennedy Jr., a candidate for the presidency, visited Albuquerque to debut his latest documentary, “Recovering America.” The premiere took place at the Kiva Auditorium, drawing attention to the ongoing national drug crisis.

The documentary sheds light on the struggles faced by individuals battling drug addiction. It also highlights the tragic reality that over 100,000 Americans succumb to this battle each year. Through personal stories and proposed solutions, the film aims to bring awareness and hope to those affected by addiction.

In addition to the screening, the event featured a live discussion. This segment was moderated by Dr. Drew, a well-known physician and television host. The discussion provided an opportunity for attendees to engage with the topic on a deeper level, exploring the complexities of addiction and potential paths to recovery.

Kennedy’s visit to Albuquerque and the premiere of “Recovering America” underscore his commitment to addressing the drug crisis. By bringing this issue to the forefront, he hopes to inspire change and support for those struggling with addiction.

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