Rod Stewart 79 Acknowledges His Limited Time Left

Rod Stewart 79 Acknowledges His Limited Time Left

Sir Rod Stewart, the legendary rock star, has recently shared his candid thoughts on aging and the reality of his mortality as he approaches his 80th birthday in January 2025. In an interview with The Sun, Stewart expressed a profound awareness of the limited time he has left, stating, “I’m aware my days are numbered but I’ve got no fear.” This reflection on life and death resonates deeply, as he acknowledges that everyone must eventually pass on, emphasizing a shared human experience.

Despite this awareness, Stewart remains optimistic about the years ahead. He humorously suggested that he could easily enjoy another 15 years, saying, “I can do that easy mate, easy.” This light-hearted approach to aging is characteristic of Stewart, who has always embraced life with enthusiasm and vigor.

As he reminisces about his younger days, Stewart admits that his stamina for partying has diminished since the vibrant ’70s and ’80s. Now married to Penny Lancaster, he still enjoys the camaraderie of his band and the lively atmosphere that follows his performances. “I’m not like I was in the ’70s and ’80s and I can’t stay up all night, get drunk and go mad and still have a voice just like that,” he explained. Nowadays, he prioritizes protecting his voice, which has become increasingly important as he ages.

Hydration plays a crucial role in maintaining his vocal health, and Stewart humorously hinted that his rider includes more than just water. “The older you get, the more you have to do that. Water has a hell of a lot to do with it. But no, you think I just have water on my rider?” His playful demeanor shines through as he discusses the post-show celebrations with his band, where they indulge in drinks and revelry. “You’re talking to Rod Stewart here, mate. We go mad after every show,” he said, highlighting the joy he finds in these moments.

Even his pre-show routine includes a bit of indulgence, as he quips about having a quick Bacardi, which he jokingly claims is beneficial for his voice. “After a show we all get stuck into the Martinis. Most bands all go home and go to bed but we don’t. We have a big old party,” he shared, illustrating the vibrant life he continues to lead despite the passage of time.

Stewart’s perspective on health has evolved, particularly after his battles with prostate and thyroid cancer. He admits to being more health-conscious now than ever before, stating, “I am more aware of my health now than before. You should be when you start getting on a bit. It’s very important.” His experiences have made him somewhat of a hypochondriac, but he encourages men to take advantage of modern medical advancements.

Recently, Stewart was spotted enjoying a sun-soaked holiday with six of his eight children aboard a luxurious yacht, with his wife Penny by his side. This family time is precious to him, and he cherishes the moments spent with his loved ones.

As he reflects on his life, Stewart’s acknowledgment of his limited time left serves as a reminder to embrace every moment. He is determined to live fully, celebrating the joys of life while being mindful of the inevitable. His candidness about aging and mortality resonates with many, as he navigates this stage of life with grace, humor, and a zest for living.

In a world that often fears aging, Rod Stewart stands as a beacon of positivity, reminding us all to cherish our time and make the most of the years we have. His journey through life, marked by both triumphs and challenges, serves as an inspiration to embrace the present and look forward to the future with hope and enthusiasm.

Source: The Sun

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