Russia considers banning diesel exports, reports Kommersant.

Russia considers banning diesel exports, reports Kommersant.

In Santiago, Chile, the ski season has blossomed into its best year in a decade, thanks to unusual rainfall recently. Just last year, the La Parva ski resort struggled with minimal snowfall, but the unexpected cold front that swept through the southern hemisphere’s autumn has transformed the landscape. Mountaintops are now blanketed with over two meters of snow, ensuring a remarkable ski season for 2024.

For more than ten years, Santiago has faced a persistent drought that affected snowfall and shortened the winter seasons at local ski resorts such as La Parva, Farellones, Valle Nevado, and El Colorado. However, this year’s abundant rainfall and low temperatures in May and June have rejuvenated the Andes mountains surrounding the city. Resorts opened nearly 50 days earlier than usual—while La Parva started its season on July 5 in 2023, this year, it kicked off on May 31.

Víctor González, the marketing manager of La Parva, expressed excitement over the early opening, describing the season as “one of the best in ten years.” This head start has attracted a significant influx of tourists. Farellones alone welcomed around 170,000 visitors so far, primarily from Brazil, with an additional 80,000 expected. Valle Nevado, which typically draws 90,000 tourists in a favorable season, has already reached 60% of that target with two months still remaining.

Ronei Ferreira, a 40-year-old Brazilian tourist, remarked on the differences between skiing here and in Argentina, noting, “There is more snow here; it’s higher and really beautiful to see.”

Last year, some areas of Farellones experienced a season that barely lasted two weeks. However, Felipe Gómez, the resort’s deputy manager, is optimistic for this year’s projection, estimating a season lasting between 100 to 120 days based on the substantial snowfall in May. Last year’s season ran for 96 days.

With such promising conditions, there is renewed interest from foreign investors in Chile’s ski resorts. Mountain Capital Partners (MCP), an American company that operates ski centers in the U.S., acquired Valle Nevado in 2023 and La Parva this year. MCP now manages approximately 2,000 hectares, encompassing over 80 ski runs and 30 ski lifts. Ricardo Margulis, the general manager of Valle Nevado, stated that it is “the most important winter destination with the best snow in the Southern Hemisphere.”

The enthusiasm doesn’t stop there. A document from the company owning El Colorado and Farellones indicates plans to possibly integrate Mountain Capital Partners as a shareholder of Andacor. However, the recent acquisitions have prompted the National Economic Prosecutor’s Office to initiate an investigation due to potential market concentration concerns.

According to the Chilean Ski Centers Association, all twelve ski centers in Chile recorded a total of 867,277 visits in 2023, generating over 3,000 direct jobs.

The Capstone of this remarkable season being the extraordinarily low temperatures in May—recorded as the coldest in the past 70 years—were attributed to the weakening of the Antarctic polar vortex. This climatic phenomenon allowed frigid winds to sweep into South America. Raúl Cordero, a climate change expert, explained that although this event is uncommon, it is not inherently linked to global warming. In fact, he noted that climate change is strengthening the Southern Hemisphere’s polar vortex rather than weakening it.

For those looking for an unforgettable skiing experience, this year’s season in Santiago offers a unique opportunity, driven by nature’s extraordinary surprises.

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