Ryan Bartlett Leaves Hyperion for Independent Artist Group

Ryan Bartlett Leaves Hyperion for Independent Artist Group

In a significant move within the entertainment industry, Ryan Bartlett, a seasoned talent agent, has decided to leave Hyperion, the boutique agency he founded seven years ago, to join the Independent Artist Group (IAG). This transition marks a reunion with Andrew Rogers, with whom Bartlett previously worked at Paradigm, where Rogers led the Motion Picture Talent division.

The agreement for Bartlett’s move was finalized over the weekend, and he is expected to bring several of his long-standing clients to IAG. Among these clients are notable names such as Xochitl Gomez, Ashton Sanders, and Natasha Behnam. This shift is poised to strengthen IAG’s talent department significantly.

Hyperion, which Bartlett has managed since its inception in June 2017, will continue to operate under the leadership of agents Austin Leshay and Will Atlas. The agency has built a reputation for its boutique approach and personalized client management, and it remains to be seen how Bartlett’s departure will impact its future trajectory.

IAG, formed a year ago through the merger of the Agency for the Performing Arts and music touring agency Artist Group International, has been on a growth trajectory. Over the past 18 months, the combined agency has expanded its roster by hiring more than two dozen agents and signing a slew of high-profile talents. These include Regina Hall, Sonequa Martin-Green, William H. Macy, Sharon Stone, Ken Jeong, Troy Kotsur, Rosa Salazar, Hayden Christensen, Pamela Anderson, Maria Bello, Marc Maron, and Russel Hornsby.

Bartlett’s career in Hollywood began at 20th Century Fox Television and Fox 2000. He later transitioned to the agency world at Paradigm, where he quickly rose through the ranks. In 2015, he joined UTA before eventually founding Hyperion in 2017. His extensive experience and industry connections are expected to be valuable assets to IAG.

The move to IAG represents a new chapter for Bartlett, who has built a reputation for his keen eye for talent and his ability to nurture and develop careers. His decision to join IAG is seen as a strategic move that aligns with the agency’s vision of growth and expansion in the competitive entertainment landscape.

As Bartlett transitions to his new role at IAG, the industry will be watching closely to see how his presence will influence the agency’s direction and success. His clients, who have shown loyalty by following him to IAG, are likely to benefit from the resources and opportunities that the larger agency can provide.

The entertainment industry is no stranger to such high-profile moves, and Bartlett’s decision to leave Hyperion for IAG is a testament to the dynamic nature of the business. It underscores the importance of strategic partnerships and the continuous evolution of talent representation.

In the coming months, it will be interesting to observe how Bartlett’s expertise and client roster will integrate with IAG’s existing framework. The agency’s recent growth and high-profile signings indicate a strong foundation, and Bartlett’s addition is expected to further bolster its position in the industry.

For Hyperion, the departure of its founder presents both challenges and opportunities. Leshay and Atlas, who will now lead the agency, have the task of maintaining the boutique’s reputation and continuing its legacy of personalized client service. Their ability to navigate this transition will be crucial in determining Hyperion’s future success.

Overall, Ryan Bartlett’s move to the Independent Artist Group is a significant development in the entertainment industry. It highlights the ever-changing landscape of talent representation and the strategic decisions that shape the careers of both agents and their clients. As Bartlett embarks on this new journey, the industry will be keenly observing the impact of his expertise and vision on IAG’s continued growth and success.

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