Sean Diddy Combs accused of 2003 sexual assault in lawsuit

Sean Diddy Combs accused of 2003 sexual assault in lawsuit

Sean “Diddy” Combs, the renowned hip-hop mogul, is facing serious allegations of sexual assault dating back to 2003. Crystal McKinney, a former model, has filed a lawsuit in New York City, accusing Combs of drugging and sexually assaulting her at his recording studio. This lawsuit adds to a growing list of accusations against Combs, who has been embroiled in multiple legal battles over similar claims in recent months.

McKinney, who was 22 at the time, alleges that she met Combs during Men’s Fashion Week in Manhattan. According to the federal complaint, Combs invited her to his recording studio later that night. Upon arrival, McKinney found Combs and several other men drinking and smoking marijuana. She claims that the marijuana was laced with a narcotic or intoxicating substance, which made her feel disoriented. The lawsuit states that Combs led her to a bathroom where the assault occurred.

After the alleged assault, McKinney lost consciousness and later woke up in a taxi, realizing she had been sexually assaulted. Combs’ representatives have not responded to requests for comment on the lawsuit.

Background and Context

The lawsuit was filed shortly after CNN aired security footage showing Combs attacking singer Cassie in a Los Angeles hotel hallway in 2016. Combs publicly apologized for the incident, describing his actions as “inexcusable.” However, due to the statute of limitations, he is not at risk of criminal prosecution for the attack on Cassie.

Cassie had previously filed a lawsuit in November, alleging beatings and abuse, which was settled a day after it was filed. This case has intensified scrutiny on Combs, leading to several more lawsuits and a federal criminal sex-trafficking investigation. Authorities have even raided Combs’ mansions in Los Angeles and Miami as part of the investigation.

Details of the Allegations

McKinney’s lawsuit provides a detailed account of the night she met Combs. She claims that during a dinner at Cipriani Downtown, Combs made a public display of his interest in her and repeatedly refilled her glass with wine. He promised to help advance her career and gave her his phone number as a gesture of good faith.

Later that night, McKinney visited Combs’ studio, where she smoked marijuana with him and his associates. She alleges that the marijuana was laced with a narcotic, making her feel extremely disoriented. Combs then led her to a bathroom, where he forced her to perform oral sex. McKinney lost consciousness shortly after the assault and woke up in a taxi, realizing she had been sexually assaulted.

Impact on McKinney’s Life

The lawsuit claims that the assault had a devastating impact on McKinney’s life and career. She alleges that Combs “blackballed” her in the modeling industry, causing her career opportunities to dwindle and eventually disappear. This led to severe mental health issues, including depression, anxiety, and intimacy problems.

McKinney also claims that she struggled with alcohol and drug addiction as a result of the assault. She is seeking unspecified compensatory and punitive damages for the emotional and mental distress she has endured.

Legal Framework and Next Steps

The lawsuit was filed under New York’s Victims of Gender-Motivated Violence Protection Law, which allows survivors of gender-motivated violence to seek legal action regardless of when the abuse occurred. McKinney is demanding a jury trial and is seeking justice not only for herself but also for other alleged victims of Combs.

This case is part of a broader pattern of allegations against Combs. In addition to McKinney’s lawsuit, several other women have come forward with similar claims. These allegations have led to a federal criminal sex-trafficking investigation, further complicating Combs’ legal troubles.

Combs’ Response and Public Reaction

Combs has denied any wrongdoing in a statement, asserting that the allegations are part of a smear campaign against him. He stated, “For the last couple of weeks, I have sat silently and watched people try to assassinate my character, destroy my reputation and my legacy. Sickening allegations have been made against me by individuals looking for a quick payday.”

Despite his denials, the mounting allegations have significantly tarnished Combs’ public image. The legal battles and ongoing investigations have cast a shadow over his career and legacy in the music industry.


1. What are the main allegations against Sean “Diddy” Combs?

Sean “Diddy” Combs is accused of drugging and sexually assaulting Crystal McKinney, a former model, at his New York City recording studio in 2003. McKinney claims that Combs laced her marijuana with a narcotic, led her to a bathroom, and forced her to perform oral sex.

2. How has Combs responded to these allegations?

Combs has denied any wrongdoing, stating that the allegations are part of a smear campaign against him. He has vowed to fight for his name, family, and the truth.

3. What impact has the alleged assault had on Crystal McKinney’s life?

McKinney claims that the assault led to severe mental health issues, including depression, anxiety, and intimacy problems. She also alleges that Combs “blackballed” her in the modeling industry, causing her career to suffer.

4. What legal actions have been taken against Combs?

In addition to McKinney’s lawsuit, several other women have filed similar claims against Combs. These allegations have led to a federal criminal sex-trafficking investigation, and authorities have raided Combs’ mansions in Los Angeles and Miami.

5. What is the Victims of Gender-Motivated Violence Protection Law?

The Victims of Gender-Motivated Violence Protection Law in New York allows survivors of gender-motivated violence to seek legal action regardless of when the abuse occurred. This law created a two-year lookback window for survivors to file civil claims against their abusers.

6. What are the next steps in McKinney’s lawsuit?

McKinney is demanding a jury trial and is seeking unspecified compensatory and punitive damages for the emotional and mental distress she has endured. The case will proceed through the legal system, and a trial date will be set.

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