Seinfeld star Michael Richards found faith during hiatus from Hollywood

Seinfeld star Michael Richards found faith during hiatus from Hollywood

Michael Richards, best known for his role as Kramer on the iconic sitcom “Seinfeld,” has revealed that he found faith during his self-imposed hiatus from Hollywood. The actor stepped away from the limelight in 2006 after a controversial incident at the Laugh Factory, where he was filmed using racial slurs during a stand-up performance. The backlash was swift and severe, leading Richards to “cancel himself” and retreat from public life.

In his newly released memoir, “Entrances and Exits,” Richards delves into the reasons behind his decision to step back and the personal journey he embarked upon during his time away. “I took myself out,” he wrote, explaining that he needed to understand what had led to that moment of anger. During this period, Richards found solace and guidance in faith. “I found faith along the way,” he shared with Fox News Digital. “Faith in creation and how marvelous this system is set up to allow us to reflect upon our wrongs and move on to get to a better place in oneself, to improve.”

Richards’ journey of self-discovery and spiritual awakening was not just about seeking forgiveness but also about understanding the deeper aspects of his own humanity. “We as human beings can learn from our mistakes,” he said, emphasizing the importance of personal growth and improvement.

Richards’ career began in the 1970s and 1980s, performing comedy at various clubs. He was noticed by Billy Crystal, who gave him a spot on his first television special. This led to a role on the show “Fridays” and eventually to his iconic role as Kramer on “Seinfeld,” which ran from 1989 to 1998. Richards’ portrayal of the quirky neighbor earned him three Emmy Awards for outstanding supporting actor in a comedy series.

Despite his success, Richards’ career took a significant hit after the 2006 incident. Reflecting on that night, Richards admitted he would have handled the situation differently today. “I would have probably tried to say something like, ‘I’m so sorry you don’t find me funny. Is there anything I can do?'” he said. He acknowledged that he should have left the stage when things started to go wrong, rather than letting his anger take over.

During his hiatus, Richards did not miss Hollywood. Instead, he focused on understanding himself better. “I was missing myself all along,” he explained. “I don’t think I was paying enough attention to myself, this person behind Hollywood and the part you play, the quest to entertain a public.” This introspection led him to explore philosophy, religion, and psychology, seeking answers to big questions about his purpose and identity.

Richards’ relationship with his “Seinfeld” co-star Jerry Seinfeld remained strong throughout his hiatus. Seinfeld supported Richards’ potential return to Hollywood, encouraging him to come back to the entertainment industry. However, Richards was not ready to return until he had found some answers for himself. “Jerry supported me with: ‘Well, you know, I’m always here if you need me,'” Richards shared.

Now, at 74, Richards is open to returning to acting, but only if the role resonates with him on a deeper level. “If a part were offered to me, and certainly if it resonated, and I knew I could do a good job and be a part of the story that’s being told through whatever project it is that we’re doing, I’d probably give it serious consideration,” he said. For Richards, it’s not about reigniting his career but about finding a role that activates his life as an artist.

Richards’ memoir, “Entrances and Exits,” released in June 2024, offers a candid look at his life following the infamous outburst and his journey towards self-improvement and faith. As he reflects on his past and looks towards the future, Richards remains committed to personal growth and understanding the complexities of his own humanity.

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