Shannen Doherty Reveals How Beverly Hills 90210 Co-stars Allegedly Got Her Fired

Shannen Doherty Reveals How Beverly Hills 90210 Co-stars Allegedly Got Her Fired

Shannen Doherty, a prominent figure in the 1990s television landscape, has recently opened up about the circumstances surrounding her departure from two iconic TV shows: “Beverly Hills 90210” and “Charmed.” In a candid discussion on her podcast “Let’s Be Clear,” Doherty revealed how her co-stars allegedly played a significant role in her being fired from these shows.

### The “Beverly Hills 90210” Saga

Doherty’s exit from “Beverly Hills 90210” has long been a topic of speculation. Speaking with Kelly Ripa on SiriusXM’s “Let’s Talk Off Camera,” Doherty, now 53, detailed how her co-stars allegedly conspired to have her removed from the show. According to Doherty, the cast collectively decided that her presence was detrimental to the show’s image due to her bad press and tardiness.

“The cast of 90210 are the ones that scheduled the phone call with Aaron [Spelling] and said, ‘It’s too much. We don’t want to deal with this anymore. It’s a bad look for our show. It’s a bad look for us. She was three hours late, blah, blah, blah,'” Doherty claimed.

Doherty admitted that she was unaware of the full extent of her co-stars’ actions until much later. Tori Spelling and Brian Austin Green eventually disclosed the details to her. Doherty emphasized that it was not producer Aaron Spelling’s decision to fire her, as he understood her value to the show despite the negative press.

### The “Charmed” Controversy

Doherty’s departure from “Charmed” after three seasons was another significant event in her career. On her podcast, she and co-star Holly Marie Combs discussed the behind-the-scenes drama that led to her exit. According to Combs, Alyssa Milano issued an ultimatum to the producers, demanding that either Doherty be fired or she would sue for a hostile work environment.

“He [producer Jonathan Levin] said, ‘We’re basically in a position where it’s one or the other. We were told [by Alyssa] that it’s [Shannen] or me, and Alyssa has threatened to sue us for a hostile workplace environment,'” Combs recounted.

Doherty expressed regret over not taking legal action at the time, stating, “I wish that I had been older and wiser because I definitely would’ve sued, and I would’ve been honest about the situation because the rumors followed me regardless.”

### The Fallout and Reflections

Doherty’s firing from “Charmed” was particularly painful because she felt she had been kind and understanding towards Milano. “I don’t ever remember being mean to [Milano] on set,” Doherty said. “I couldn’t have been more kind and understanding.”

Combs added that Milano’s legal threats “wouldn’t fucking fly” by today’s standards, emphasizing that there were no physical altercations or harsh words exchanged on set.

### The Origins of the Feud

Doherty traced the origins of her feud with Milano back to how “Charmed” was promoted before its first season. She explained that the show was initially marketed around her, which created resentment among her co-stars.

“I was cast first, the show was originally sold to the WB based on me,” Doherty said. “But once those magazine covers started happening, and one person is being asked and the other one isn’t … I felt like the competitiveness was kicking in. And I’m not saying with you, I’m saying with Alyssa and myself. There was a lack of female support.”

### Moving Forward

Despite the tumultuous experiences on both shows, Doherty has managed to move forward in her career. She later worked with Aaron Spelling again on “Charmed,” despite initially vowing never to collaborate with him again. “I mean, when I got sent the script [Charmed], the minute somebody told me it was Aaron Spelling, I threw it in the back of my car. It was like, ‘I’m never working with that man again,'” she told Ripa. “But I did because it was really, really, really good and I got to make casting decisions, all of that.”

Doherty admitted that getting fired from “90210” was a relief in some ways, as the set had become a hostile environment. “The set was very hostile and toxic and I just wasn’t the girl that could work with some of the male producers. I wasn’t, I was not capable of saying yes and batting my eyelashes and putting on a baby voice and not really having an opinion,” she said.

### A Positive Note on “Charmed”

Despite the drama, Doherty had a more positive experience on “Charmed” and expressed her love for the show and its crew. “Charmed, I would’ve been there until the bitter end. It was by far one of my absolute favorite working experiences. I loved my character. I loved, you know, the writers. My crew was my heart. I loved every single thing about that show,” she said.

### Conclusion

Shannen Doherty’s revelations shed light on the complex dynamics and behind-the-scenes politics of two of the most popular TV shows of the 1990s. Her experiences highlight the challenges actors often face in the industry, from dealing with co-star conflicts to navigating the pressures of public scrutiny. Despite these hurdles, Doherty’s resilience and talent have allowed her to continue her career and share her story with fans and listeners.

Source: Huff Post, Variety, SiriusXM

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