Steve Bannon Forecasts a ‘Landslide’ Victory for Trump

Steve Bannon Forecasts a ‘Landslide’ Victory for Trump

Steve Bannon, the former chief strategist for Donald Trump, has confidently predicted a “landslide” victory for Trump in the upcoming election. In an interview with “This Week” co-anchor Jonathan Karl, Bannon expressed his certainty that Trump would not only defeat President Joe Biden but also secure a significant win for the Republican Party in both the Senate and the House of Representatives.

Bannon, who played a pivotal role in Trump’s 2016 campaign, revealed that he maintains regular communication with Trump. Despite his impending four-month prison sentence for defying a congressional subpoena related to the January 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol, Bannon remains a significant figure among Trump’s hardcore supporters. His daily show, “War Room,” continues to broadcast from his Washington, D.C., home, echoing themes and rhetoric that often appear in Trump’s campaign speeches.

One of the central themes of Bannon’s show and Trump’s campaign is retribution. Trump has repeatedly promised to target his political opponents, even telling his supporters, “I am your retribution.” When pressed by Karl about who might be the targets of a second Trump administration, Bannon did not hold back. He mentioned former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, former FBI Director James Comey, former Defense Secretary Mark Esper, and former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Mark Milley as individuals who should be worried about investigations.

Bannon also claimed that former Attorney General Bill Barr would be investigated, but he denied that these actions would be acts of retribution. “It’s not retribution at all,” Bannon insisted. “What we’re saying is we want justice. We want to have full investigations, and then if criminal charges come up, then criminal charges come up.”

Despite his confidence in a Trump victory, Bannon avoided directly answering Karl’s questions about whether Trump supporters would accept the results of the 2024 election, regardless of the outcome. When asked to appeal to Trump supporters to respect the results and vow there would be no violence, Bannon deflected, questioning whether Democrats had ever been asked the same question. Karl responded by pointing out that Democrats had not stormed the Capitol to stop an election.

Bannon’s vision for a second Trump term includes three main priorities: sealing the border and conducting mass deportations, addressing the budget deficit and reinstating tax cuts, and ending “endless forever wars.” He laid out these “three verticals” as the core focus areas for a potential second Trump administration.

However, Bannon’s track record with election predictions has not always been accurate. In 2018, he predicted a significant victory for Republicans in the House, but Democrats ended up gaining 40 seats. Similarly, in 2022, he forecasted a “massive blowout” for Republicans, but they lost many competitive races. Despite these missteps, Bannon remains steadfast in his belief that a populist, nationalist revolution is underway and that it is a process that will not win every election.

Karl also questioned Bannon about Trump’s performance in the first presidential debate, which was widely seen as a victory for Trump after a weak performance by Biden. Bannon expressed concern that Democrats might replace Biden with a more formidable candidate, such as Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer, California Governor Gavin Newsom, or former First Lady Michelle Obama. He advised that Trump should only debate the official Democratic nominee, whoever that may be.

Bannon’s confidence in a Trump landslide extends beyond the presidential race. He believes that if Republicans secure a majority in the House of Representatives, they will initiate impeachment proceedings against President Biden. He cited issues such as illegal immigration, Hunter Biden’s business dealings with China, and the administration’s handling of the COVID-19 pandemic as potential grounds for impeachment. However, he acknowledged that it would be challenging for Republicans to secure the two-thirds majority in the Senate required to remove Biden from office.

Bannon also predicted that Biden’s support rating would drop below 30 percent, making it unlikely for him to run for re-election in 2024. On foreign policy, Bannon criticized the Biden administration’s stance on the Russian invasion of Ukraine, arguing that it is not in the vital national security interests of the United States and should be left to Europe to handle. He also noted that the administration’s tough stance on China is a continuation of Trump’s policies, driven by the need to maintain public support.

In a separate interview with The Asahi Shimbun, Bannon reiterated his belief in a Republican landslide in the midterm elections and predicted that Biden would be impeached if Republicans gained control of the House. He also discussed his indictment for contempt of Congress, attributing it to his loyalty to Trump and accusing the House select committee of trying to smear the former president.

Bannon’s remarks reflect his unwavering support for Trump and his belief in a populist, nationalist movement that will continue to shape American politics. As the election approaches, Bannon remains a vocal and influential figure, rallying Trump’s base and predicting a decisive victory for the former president.

Source: The Asahi Shimbun, Mother Jones, ABC News

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