Steve-O Sells LA Home 335K Over Asking Price

Steve-O Sells LA Home 335K Over Asking Price

Steve-O has made a significant real estate move, selling his Los Angeles home for a hefty profit. The “Jackass” star managed to sell his property just a month after listing it, and the sale price was notably higher than the asking price.

According to his real estate agent, Cesar Melendrez, the house sold for $2,135,000. This figure is $335,000 above the initial asking price of $1.799 million. The quick sale and substantial profit are impressive, especially considering the current real estate market conditions in Los Angeles.

The 3-bedroom, 3-bathroom home attracted considerable interest almost immediately. Within just four days of being listed, the property received an offer. This rapid response is noteworthy, given the rising interest rates in the area, which have generally made the market more challenging for sellers.

The new owner of Steve-O’s former home will enjoy a spacious 2,300 square feet of living space. The house is perched on a hillside, offering stunning views of the city. It’s a win-win situation for both Steve-O and the new homeowner.

Steve-O, a longtime resident of Los Angeles, has decided to leave California. He is moving to Tennessee, where he plans to enjoy a slower pace of life. In a YouTube video, he explained that one of the main reasons for his move is the lower tax burden in Tennessee compared to California. He even showcased his new ranch, indicating that he is ready for this new chapter in his life.

Cesar Melendrez of Jason Mitchell Real Estate was responsible for handling the listing. His expertise and the property’s appeal contributed to the quick and profitable sale.

Steve-O’s decision to sell his Los Angeles home and move to Tennessee marks a significant change in his life. The successful sale of his property, especially at a price well above the asking price, is a testament to the strong demand for desirable real estate in Los Angeles, even in a challenging market.

The new owner of the property is set to enjoy a beautiful home with breathtaking views, while Steve-O looks forward to a new lifestyle in Tennessee. This move represents a fresh start for the “Jackass” star, who is ready to embrace the benefits of his new location.

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