Ted Danson Assists Woody Harrelson After Motorcycle Accident

Ted Danson Assists Woody Harrelson After Motorcycle Accident

Ted Danson Assists Woody Harrelson After Motorcycle Accident

In a recent episode of the “Conan O’Brien Needs a Friend” podcast, Woody Harrelson shared a harrowing experience he had on his way to the studio. The actor, known for his roles in “Cheers” and “True Detective,” was involved in a motorcycle accident. Fortunately, his longtime friend and former co-star Ted Danson was there to assist him.

Harrelson recounted the incident, explaining that he was trying to overtake a Tesla that seemed to be moving slowly. Unbeknownst to him, the Tesla was preparing to make a left turn. “I was passing this Tesla on the left that I thought was moving a little slow but I didn’t realize he was moving slow because he’s taking a left,” Harrelson said. The collision threw him over the handlebars and onto the hood of the car.

Despite the accident, Harrelson managed to make it to the podcast recording, albeit a bit late. He was visibly injured, with his hand wrapped in bandages. Conan O’Brien, the host, couldn’t help but notice. “Your hand is wrapped up like somebody in a cartoon,” O’Brien remarked.

It turns out that Ted Danson, who played a doctor on the CBS sitcom “Becker,” was the one who bandaged Harrelson’s hand. “That’s ’cause I wrapped it,” Danson admitted. “I wrapped it and I thought it looked funnier that way.”

Harrelson humorously recalled the moment in the bathroom when he asked Danson for help. “We’re in the bathroom and I was like, ‘You played a doctor, right?'” Harrelson said. Danson, always quick with a joke, replied, “Yeah, I also played a lawyer, so we could sue the guy.”

Conan O’Brien was taken aback by the fact that Danson was the one providing medical assistance. “Ted Danson is the one that helps clean the wound and wrap you? Why haven’t we called a real doctor!” he exclaimed. Co-host Sona Movsesian chimed in, “I’d take Ted Danson over a real doctor.”

Harrelson, always the joker, added, “It was weird when he asked me to disrobe.”

The two actors were on the podcast to promote their new project, a podcast titled “Where Everybody Knows Your Name.” The show reunites the “Cheers” co-stars as they sit down with special guests to discuss life beyond their career highlights. The podcast, produced by O’Brien’s Team Coco and SiriusXM, has already featured guests like Will Arnett, Jane Fonda, and Martin Short.

Despite the accident, Harrelson remained in good spirits. “There was some pain involved, but I never thought I’d be killed or anything,” he said. His confidence in Danson’s makeshift medical skills was evident. “His confidence, his demeanor, everything about the way he does it makes you feel like you’re in the best hands. I never doubted him,” Harrelson added.

Danson, on the other hand, expressed his concern for his friend. “I am sad,” he said. “He could’ve been hurt badly. It does make me sad.”

The camaraderie between Harrelson and Danson was palpable throughout the podcast. Their friendship, which dates back to their days on “Cheers,” has clearly stood the test of time. The new podcast offers fans a chance to see this dynamic duo in action once again, sharing laughs and heartfelt moments.

For those interested in hearing more about the accident and the duo’s new podcast, the episode of “Conan O’Brien Needs a Friend” featuring Harrelson and Danson is available for streaming. The new podcast, “Where Everybody Knows Your Name,” promises to be a delightful listen for fans of the actors and the iconic sitcom.

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