The Biggest Sequels That Were Never Made

The Biggest Sequels That Were Never Made

Hollywood is currently experiencing a surge in sequels, with many iconic films getting modern updates. Movies like Scream, The Matrix, and Halloween have been reimagined for today’s audiences. However, not every sequel idea makes it to the big screen. Numerous classic films have potential sequels that never saw the light of day, gathering dust instead.

Hollywood parties are often depicted as wild affairs where deals are made and forgotten by morning. This chaotic environment might explain why so many sequels were discussed but never produced. In some cases, it’s a relief these sequels didn’t happen.

One such sequel is Con Airport, which would have featured John Cusack’s character managing an airport for criminal-laden planes. The idea only reached a 15-page treatment before being discarded. Director Simon West has shown interest in reviving it, but nothing has been confirmed.

Airplane III was teased at the end of Airplane II: The Sequel, but disappointing box office numbers led to its cancellation. Similarly, Luc Besson’s planned sequel to Mathilda, which would have followed Natalie Portman’s character seeking revenge, was scrapped due to her rising stardom and legal issues. The project eventually morphed into the Zoe Saldana thriller Colombiana.

The Naked Gun 4: Rhythm Of Evil was another sequel that never materialized. Leslie Nielsen was set to train a young rookie, but financial issues led to its cancellation in 2009. With Nielsen’s passing, the project is unlikely to be revived.

Napoleon Dynamite 2 seemed inevitable after the first film’s massive profit, but director Jared Hess was hesitant. The sequel was ultimately shelved, and an animated series was created instead.

L.A. Confidential 2 had multiple potential storylines, with writer James Ellroy having written other novels involving the same characters. Joe Carnahan attempted to adapt White Jazz, but was asked not to use Guy Pearce’s character. Other rumors included Charlize Theron joining the cast, but none of these ideas came to fruition.

Quentin Tarantino teased Kill Bill 3 even before Volume 2 was released. The third installment was supposed to follow Sofie Fatale raising Nikki to seek revenge on The Bride. Despite Tarantino’s enthusiasm, the project never moved forward.

Roger Rabbit II: Toon Platoon was another sequel that never happened. Disney attempted to create a script in 1992, featuring Roger as a soldier in a cartoon war. Robert Zemeckis suggested a motion capture sequel, but Bob Hoskins’ disapproval and subsequent death halted any progress.

Gremlins 3D was considered, but director Joe Dante deemed any sequel unnecessary. Despite attempts to push a third film into production, it never happened. A prequel TV show is currently in the works.

John Hughes wanted to make The Breakfast Club 2, catching up with the characters ten years later. However, a fallout between Hughes and star Judd Nelson stalled the project.

I Am Legend 2 faced the challenge of its main character dying in the first film. A prequel was greenlit, but it was deemed unnecessary and eventually abandoned.

Forrest Gump 2: Gump & Co was based on the follow-up book, with a script that saw Forrest meddling in iconic events of the 80s and 90s. Tom Hanks nixed the idea, believing it would be repetitive.

Ferris Bueller 2: Another Day Off would have featured a middle-aged Ferris taking a day off work. Despite a script by Rick Rapier, the project never gained traction.

Ei8ht, a proposed sequel to Se7en, would have given Morgan Freeman’s character psychic abilities. Director David Fincher and the original cast were uninterested, leading to its cancellation.

Speed 3 was rumored, with Dennis Hopper and possibly Keanu Reeves and Sandra Bullock involved. However, after the failure of Speed 2: Cruise Control, the idea was quietly dropped.

E.T. 2: Nocturnal Fears was a dark sequel idea involving carnivorous aliens kidnapping the kids from the first film. Steven Spielberg decided against it, fearing it would tarnish the original.

Mrs. Doubtfire 2 was in development in 2003, with Robin Williams set to reprise his role. However, Williams dropped out due to dissatisfaction with the script, and the project was abandoned.

Cliffhanger 2: The Dam was considered after the success of the first film. Sylvester Stallone revealed that the sequel idea was too similar to his later film Daylight, leading to its cancellation.

Gladiator 2 had multiple scripts, including one by Nick Cave, featuring Maximus fighting Roman gods in the afterlife. Despite the bizarre premise, the sequel never materialized.

Inside Man 2 was planned after the original became Spike Lee’s most profitable movie. Despite multiple scripts, Lee claimed it “didn’t work out,” and the project was shelved. A sequel was eventually made without Lee’s involvement.

These are just a few examples of the many sequels that were discussed but never made it to the big screen. While some might have been interesting, others were likely best left unproduced.

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