Trump Admits Crush on Adversary Debra Messing

Trump Admits Crush on Adversary Debra Messing

In a surprising revelation, former President Donald Trump has admitted to having a significant crush on actress Debra Messing, a known adversary. This unexpected confession is detailed in the newly released book “Apprentice in Wonderland: How Donald Trump and Mark Burnett Took America Through the Looking Glass” by Variety co-editor-in-chief Ramin Setoodeh. The book, which hit the shelves today, offers a glimpse into Trump’s feelings of betrayal when Messing turned against him on social media.

Trump reminisced about his first encounter with Messing at an NBC Upfronts presentation, where the network showcases its upcoming TV season to advertisers. He vividly recalled Messing approaching him with her striking red hair, a detail he lingered on. According to Trump, Messing was effusive in her praise, thanking him for “saving the network” and her show. Trump, who was already a fan of her work on “Will & Grace,” was starstruck by her gratitude and beauty.

This encounter left a lasting impression on Trump, who believed Messing would always be supportive of him. However, when he entered the political arena, Messing became one of his most vocal critics. Trump expressed his confusion and disappointment, stating that he couldn’t understand how someone who had been so appreciative could turn against him so vehemently.

In another conversation, Trump admitted that his crush on Messing during the early days of “Will & Grace” might explain why he singled her out among other celebrities who criticized him. He described Messing as “quite attractive” and reiterated how thankful she had been in the past. This personal connection made her public disapproval particularly painful for him.

Trump’s feelings of betrayal were compounded by the fact that Messing’s show had ended by the time he launched his presidential campaign. She no longer needed to maintain a cordial relationship with him for professional reasons. When “Will & Grace” returned in 2017, it often used Trump’s presidency as a source of humor, further straining any remnants of their past rapport.

Messing’s transformation from a grateful actress to a fierce critic highlights the complex dynamics between celebrities and political figures. While Trump may have expected continued support from those he had helped in the entertainment industry, the reality of political allegiances proved to be far more complicated.

This revelation adds another layer to the public’s understanding of Trump’s relationships with celebrities and his reactions to their criticisms. It also underscores the personal nature of his grievances, which often stem from perceived betrayals by those he once admired or helped.

As the book “Apprentice in Wonderland” continues to make waves, it offers a unique perspective on Trump’s interactions with Hollywood and the entertainment industry. It sheds light on the personal connections and disappointments that have shaped his public persona and political career.

In the broader context of Trump’s presidency and his interactions with the media, this admission about Debra Messing is a reminder of the deeply personal nature of his responses to criticism. It also highlights the often blurred lines between personal feelings and political actions in his approach to leadership.

As the public digests these revelations, it remains to be seen how they will impact the ongoing narrative of Trump’s legacy and his relationships with those in the entertainment industry. For now, the story of Trump’s crush on Debra Messing adds a new dimension to the complex and often contentious relationship between the former president and Hollywood.

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