Usher Shares Daily Routine to Maintain Fit Physique

Usher Shares Daily Routine to Maintain Fit Physique

Usher Shares Daily Routine to Maintain Fit Physique

Usher has opened up about his daily routine to maintain his fit physique, revealing a regimen that includes fasting, cayenne pepper drinks, and meditation.

In a recent interview with the Wall Street Journal, the R&B star shared that he starts his day with a unique drink. “I usually wake up and drink celery juice. I’ve been making a hot drink with lemon, ginger, water, and cayenne pepper,” he said.

Usher also emphasized the importance of mental well-being in his routine. “I try to wake up early enough to have a moment of reflection. Some days I read a book to stimulate my mind, or I sit quietly and meditate. Yoga is a frequent practice for me; it helps activate my organs and gets my mind moving in the right direction,” he explained.

For breakfast, the “U Got It Bad” singer, 45, prefers eggs. “I sometimes eat eggs scrambled with cheese, but I mostly like them poached or over easy,” he said. However, he doesn’t eat breakfast before engaging in some physical activity. “I prefer to work out or do something physical first, like taking a walk, stretching, doing yoga, or sitting in the sun to raise my body’s natural heat levels,” he added.

Usher also practices fasting, a habit he picked up from his grandmother. “I fast on Wednesdays. I usually start around 11 p.m. the previous day and go the entire day on Wednesday just drinking water,” he revealed.

When it comes to his fitness regime, Usher incorporates various activities. “I start with walking or certain knee activations because I’ve had minor surgeries on my knee, including a torn meniscus. Swimming and bike riding are also great for getting me going. I don’t do a lot of weight lifting,” he said.

Usher’s dedication to his fitness was evident during his 2024 Super Bowl performance in Las Vegas. The singer described the halftime show as “one of the hardest 15 minutes that I’ll ever have in my life.” He had to work out every day to prepare for the performance, which included hits like “My Boo,” “OMG,” and “Yeah!”

Usher’s commitment to his fitness extends beyond his performances. His personal trainer, Cliff ‘Hollywood’ Boyce, praised his work ethic. “Usher is a perfectionist. From his music to his body, everything has to be perfect. He knows that being in the best possible shape is more than just looking good; it’s about being fit, healthy, and feeling good,” Boyce said.

Boyce also highlighted Usher’s long-term commitment to a healthy lifestyle. “To look as good as he does, you need to put in the hours. He stays fully committed and keeps his eyes on the prize. Living healthy is a lifestyle for him now, and he is always camera-ready,” he added.

Usher’s dedication to his fitness and well-being is evident in his daily routine and his performances. His commitment to maintaining a fit physique is not just about looking good but also about feeling good and staying healthy.

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