Which Celebrity Supports Biden but Wants Him to Drop Out? Take the Quiz

Which Celebrity Supports Biden but Wants Him to Drop Out? Take the Quiz

In the midst of a turbulent political landscape, a surprising twist has emerged involving a prominent celebrity who supports President Joe Biden but believes he should step aside for the good of the Democratic Party and the country. This sentiment is not isolated, as a growing number of Democratic leaders and influential figures are voicing similar concerns.

The debate over Biden’s candidacy intensified following a particularly challenging debate performance. Democratic Rep. Lloyd Doggett of Texas was among the first to publicly suggest that Biden should consider stepping down. Doggett drew a parallel to former President Lyndon Johnson, who made the difficult decision to withdraw under different circumstances. “President Biden should do the same,” Doggett stated.

This sentiment is echoed by a broad swath of House Democrats who are increasingly vocal about their concerns regarding Biden’s ability to secure a victory. An anonymous House Democratic lawmaker revealed that there is a significant and growing group within the caucus that is deeply worried about Biden’s trajectory and electability. They hope to give him space to make the decision to step aside but are prepared to be more vocal if he does not.

Biden’s inner circle, however, remains defiant. The president is expected to meet with Democratic governors and congressional leaders to address these concerns. Some governors have expressed their worries privately, fearing that going public might cause Biden to dig in further.

CNN’s extensive conversations with over two dozen current and former Democratic officials, donors, and longtime Biden allies reveal a consensus that Biden should quit his campaign. Many believe he needs to announce this decision soon. Despite these concerns, Biden appears to be moving forward with his campaign, planning trips to swing states and a high-profile interview with George Stephanopoulos.

Initially, there was hope that Biden’s family might convince him to step aside, especially after the debate performance. However, a retreat at Camp David revealed that his family is rallying around his decision to continue, attributing his missteps to staff errors.

A senior Democratic official, who has publicly supported Biden but privately believes he should step aside, described Biden as “stubborn.” The official noted that while the campaign insists the debate was just a bad night, many Democrats see it as part of a larger pattern that cannot be easily fixed.

Illinois Rep. Mike Quigley emphasized the broader implications of Biden’s decision, stating that it affects not only the presidency but also the composition of the Senate and House, with long-term consequences.

Former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi called for Biden to participate in multiple interviews to address concerns about his debate performance. She acknowledged mixed responses from donors and others in her network, questioning whether the debate performance was an isolated incident or indicative of a larger issue.

The stakes were further heightened by a Supreme Court ruling granting former President Donald Trump considerable immunity from prosecution. This development has made some Democrats more urgent in their calls for Biden to step aside, fearing that Trump might feel emboldened if reelected.

Despite these concerns, some Biden advisers argue that the Supreme Court decision strengthens Biden’s case for staying in the race, as they believe he remains the best bet to defeat Trump.

Discussions among leading Democrats about replacing Biden have already begun, with potential candidates including Vice President Kamala Harris and several governors and lawmakers. With the Democratic National Convention just weeks away and the election approaching, they are eager to start the process.

Biden, however, remains resolute. He continues to see himself as the underdog who can overcome adversity, a narrative that has defined his career. Despite the fallout from the debate, he has not reached out to Democratic Party leaders for feedback, a move that has surprised many.

Biden’s campaign is working to assess the true impact of the debate among voters in key battleground states. They are particularly focused on states like Minnesota and Virginia, as well as the Senate race in Michigan. House Democrats are conducting their own polling to gauge the damage.

While some aides are disheartened, others are determined to prove the doubters wrong. Responding to The New York Times Editorial Board’s call for Biden to drop out, one Biden aide expressed defiance, saying, “That sh*t is like jet fuel in my veins I love it.”

The Biden campaign’s inner circle remains tight-knit, handling the fallout with a sense of resilience. Despite the challenges, the campaign announced its best fundraising month ever in June, raising $127 million, with a significant portion coming after the debate.

Biden campaign chair Jen O’Malley Dillon reassured donors that the team is “clear-eyed, not pollyannish,” signaling a commitment to moving forward. However, the campaign has taken steps to manage donor interactions more carefully, reflecting the heightened tensions.

Supporters like Andrew Weinstein and New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy remain optimistic, citing Biden’s history of overcoming adversity. Murphy described a coherent and wide-ranging conversation with Biden, emphasizing his resilience and ability to succeed against all odds.

As the debate over Biden’s candidacy continues, the Democratic Party faces a critical juncture. The decision of whether Biden should step aside or continue his campaign will have profound implications for the future of the party and the country.

Source: CNN

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