Yong Junhyung Addresses Rumors of Group Chat with Illegal Camera Footage

Yong Junhyung Addresses Rumors of Group Chat with Illegal Camera Footage

On the morning of June 12, Yong Junhyung, former member of the K-pop group Highlight, took to Instagram to address longstanding rumors about his involvement in a group chat that allegedly shared illegal camera footage. His detailed post aimed to clarify his position and reflect on past mistakes.

Yong Junhyung began by acknowledging his past errors. He admitted that he was naive and made poor decisions. He explained that during the height of the controversy, he was overwhelmed by criticism and unsure of the right course of action. Fearing that his actions might harm his agency and fellow group members, he decided to leave Highlight, a group that had been central to his life for many years.

He recounted an incident where he received a video via a personal chat. The video initially appeared as a black screen, and he had no prior knowledge of its content or intent. Upon viewing it, he realized its inappropriate nature but failed to speak out against it. He admitted that he should have condemned the content but instead chose to ignore it.

Yong Junhyung emphasized that he was never part of the notorious group chat where illegal activities took place. He reiterated that he had no involvement in the scandal that followed, which included the sharing of illicit footage. Despite his repeated denials, media outlets and the public continued to associate him with the scandal, painting him as one of the culprits.

For years, he struggled with the false accusations. He tried to ignore the situation, hoping it would eventually fade away. However, the persistent rumors took a toll on him. He expressed his willingness to endure personal pain but pleaded for the well-being of his loved ones, including his family and fans, who supported him despite his shortcomings.

Yong Junhyung expressed deep regret for not addressing the issue sooner and for his past foolish actions. He vowed to reflect on his behavior daily and strive to become a more mature individual. He concluded his post by thanking his followers for reading his lengthy message and wished them good health and happiness.

The controversy dates back to 2019 when several K-pop stars were accused of filming and sharing non-consensual sexual videos in a group chat. The main figures in the scandal were singer Jung Joon Young and former FTISLAND member Choi Jong-hoon. Yong Junhyung was accused of being part of this group chat. While he denied being a member, he admitted to watching illicit videos shared by Jung Joon Young in a one-on-one chat and making inappropriate comments about them.

Following the accusations, Yong Junhyung left Highlight in March 2019 and took a temporary break from the entertainment industry. He made a comeback in 2022 with his independent label, BLACK MADE.

The post on Instagram was a significant step for Yong Junhyung as he sought to clear his name and address the rumors that had plagued him for years. His candid admission of past mistakes and his commitment to personal growth resonated with many of his followers.

The controversy surrounding the group chat had a profound impact on the K-pop industry, leading to increased scrutiny of celebrities’ private lives and behavior. Yong Junhyung’s decision to speak out and take responsibility for his actions was seen as a move towards transparency and accountability.

As Yong Junhyung continues his journey in the entertainment industry, he hopes to rebuild his reputation and regain the trust of his fans. His post serves as a reminder of the importance of addressing past mistakes and striving for personal growth.

In conclusion, Yong Junhyung’s heartfelt message on Instagram was a significant moment in his career. By addressing the rumors and reflecting on his past actions, he took a step towards healing and moving forward. His commitment to becoming a better person and his plea for the well-being of his loved ones highlighted his sincerity and determination to make amends.

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