Family Feud Contestant Gives Absurd Answer Per Steve Harvey

Family Feud Contestant Gives Absurd Answer Per Steve Harvey

Family Feud Contestant Gives Absurd Answer Per Steve Harvey

Family Feud has always been a treasure trove of unexpected moments, but a recent episode took the cake. Host Steve Harvey, known for his quick wit and expressive reactions, was left utterly speechless by a contestant’s bizarre answer.

The game show, which pits two families against each other in a battle of wits, often sees contestants under pressure. This particular episode was no different. The question posed seemed straightforward enough, but the response was anything but.

Steve Harvey asked, “Name something you might find in a woman’s purse.” The contestant, without missing a beat, blurted out, “A hamster.” The studio audience erupted in laughter, and Harvey’s face was a picture of disbelief.

Harvey, known for his humorous takes on unexpected answers, took a moment to process what he had just heard. He then asked the contestant to repeat the answer, perhaps hoping he had misheard. But no, the contestant confidently repeated, “A hamster.”

The host, trying to maintain his composure, asked the contestant if they had ever seen a hamster in a woman’s purse. The contestant shrugged, saying, “You never know, Steve.” This only added to the hilarity of the moment.

Social media quickly picked up on the clip, with users sharing their amusement and disbelief. Memes and jokes about the “hamster in a purse” answer flooded platforms like Twitter and Instagram.

Steve Harvey, who has seen his fair share of odd answers over the years, later commented on the incident. He said, “I’ve heard some wild things on this show, but a hamster in a purse? That’s a new one.”

The contestant’s family, while initially shocked, couldn’t help but laugh along with the audience. They later admitted that the pressure of the game can lead to some unexpected answers.

Family Feud has a long history of producing memorable moments, and this one will undoubtedly go down in the show’s annals. It’s a testament to the unpredictable nature of live television and the charm of the show’s format.

As for the contestant, they took the moment in stride, laughing off the absurdity of their answer. They even joked that they might start carrying a hamster in their purse, just in case.

Steve Harvey’s reaction, as always, was priceless. His ability to turn even the most unexpected moments into comedy gold is one of the reasons Family Feud remains a beloved show.

In the end, it’s moments like these that keep audiences coming back for more. The unpredictability, the humor, and the genuine reactions make Family Feud a staple of American television.

So, the next time you’re watching Family Feud, keep an ear out for those unexpected answers. You never know when a hamster might make an appearance.

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