Feijóo to Address Sánchez’s “Parliamentary Weakness” with Lawmakers This Wednesday

Feijóo to Address Sánchez’s “Parliamentary Weakness” with Lawmakers This Wednesday

Alberto Núñez Feijóo, the leader of the Popular Party (PP), is set to gather deputies, senators, and MEPs from his party on Wednesday. The meeting aims to assess the current political landscape and demonstrate that there is an alternative to the perceived weaknesses of Pedro Sánchez’s government. This information comes from sources within the party speaking to Europa Press.

In light of recent parliamentary defeats, particularly in the Congress regarding stability objectives and the Foreigners Law concerning the distribution of unaccompanied minors, Feijóo is expected to announce the necessary measures he believes should be enacted if Sánchez fails to take action. The secretary general of the PP, Cuca Gamarra, revealed this information during the previous evening.

The discussion is scheduled for 1:30 PM at the Senate after the last plenary session aimed at appointing ten members to the General Council of the Judiciary (CGPJ) and a magistrate to the Constitutional Court, following an agreement between the government and the PSOE reached a month ago.

Feijóo intends to review the political course during his address to party members, similar to what he discussed with the National Executive Committee earlier. He portrayed the PP as a solid political alternative against Sánchez’s “decadence, paralysis, conformism, and selfishness.” He encouraged his party members not to acquiesce, asserting that “there is another path” and “soon there will be another government.”

Feijóo has also called for Sánchez’s resignation. He highlighted corruption allegations that the PP claims affect both the government and the PSOE. Following the judge’s decision to summon Begoña Gómez to testify, Feijóo demanded Sánchez write his “final resignation letter” and step down, referencing advice he previously gave to former Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy regarding the Gürtel case.

The Popular Party interprets their recent legislative setbacks as evidence of Sánchez’s parliamentary weakness. Gamarra emphasized that Sánchez needs to understand that his time in office is over.

She stated, “Sánchez must reflect on the situation he has brought our country into, and it is time for him to speak up. Tomorrow will be the moment when President Feijóo announces the necessary measures if Pedro Sánchez does not step up.”

Image and News Source: https://www.infobae.com/espana/agencias/2024/07/23/feijoo-denunciara-este-miercoles-la-debilidad-parlamentaria-de-sanchez-en-una-reunion-con-sus-diputados-y-senadores/

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