Howell Summit Gardens Safety Enhancements This Week

Howell Summit Gardens Safety Enhancements This Week

Jessica Mathews / [email protected]

This week, Howell Summit Gardens in downtown Howell is set to undergo significant safety enhancements. The park, located at 219 North Walnut Street, is a beloved community space featuring slides, an amphitheater, a labyrinth, and artwork from local artists.

City Manager Erv Suida has confirmed that the improvements will address concerns raised by parents and community members. One of the main issues is the location of an entranceway off Michigan Avenue, which is situated at the top of the slides. This has raised safety concerns, particularly for children.

To mitigate these concerns, the Department of Public Works (DPW) staff will be on-site to remove and relocate the entranceway and associated artwork. Additionally, the split-rail fencing will be extended to close off the area, and landscaping will be improved to discourage children from accessing the slides from that entrance.

Suida believes these changes are straightforward solutions to the community’s concerns. The goal is to complete the enhancements this week, ensuring that visitors can continue to enjoy the park safely.

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