Ian McKellen Wants to Play Gandalf in Gollum Movie If Alive

Ian McKellen Wants to Play Gandalf in Gollum Movie If Alive

Ian McKellen Wants to Play Gandalf in Gollum Movie If Alive

Ian McKellen, the actor who brought Gandalf to life in both The Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit trilogies, has expressed interest in reprising his iconic role. With Peter Jackson returning to Middle-earth for The Lord of the Rings: The Hunt for Gollum, fans are eager to know if McKellen will don the wizard’s hat once more.

In a recent interview, McKellen addressed the possibility of returning as Gandalf in the upcoming film, which is set to be directed by Andy Serkis and is scheduled for a 2026 release. Speaking to The Times of London, McKellen mentioned that he has heard “stirrings in Tolkien land” and humorously noted that he hasn’t “shaved in months” due to his role in Player Kings.

However, McKellen was quick to clarify that there is currently “no script, no offer, no plan” for his return. When asked if he would be interested in playing Gandalf again, he responded with a touch of humor, saying, “If I’m alive.”

Peter Jackson, who is deeply involved in the new project, has shared his thoughts on why focusing on Gollum is intriguing. In an interview with Deadline earlier this year, Jackson explained that the Gollum/Sméagol character has always fascinated him because Gollum represents the darker aspects of human nature, while Sméagol is more sympathetic. Jackson believes that this duality resonates with audiences, as it reflects the complexities within all of us.

Jackson also mentioned that the new film aims to explore Gollum’s backstory and delve into parts of his journey that were not covered in the earlier films. While it is too early to say who else might appear in the film, Jackson assured that they would stay true to J.R.R. Tolkien’s vision.

McKellen’s potential return as Gandalf is not the only exciting news for fans. Viggo Mortensen, who played Aragorn in the original trilogy, has also expressed interest in reprising his role for The Hunt for Gollum. However, Mortensen acknowledged that the story would need to account for the fact that he is now two decades older than he was in the previous films.

Details about The Hunt for Gollum are still scarce, but it is clear that the film will focus on aspects of Gollum’s character that were not explored in the original trilogy. Jackson has emphasized the importance of staying true to Tolkien’s work and has hinted that the film will include content that was left out of the earlier movies due to time constraints.

It is important to note that The Lord of the Rings: The Hunt for Gollum should not be confused with the fan-film of the same name. Warner Bros. recently announced the continuation of the Lord of the Rings theatrical universe, which led to the temporary removal of the 15-year-old fan project. However, the fan-film was reinstated less than 24 hours later.

As fans eagerly await more news about The Hunt for Gollum, the possibility of seeing Ian McKellen return as Gandalf adds an extra layer of excitement. While there are no concrete plans yet, McKellen’s willingness to reprise his role, if he is still around, gives hope to fans who have long admired his portrayal of the wise and powerful wizard.

With the film set to premiere in 2026, there is still plenty of time for developments and announcements. For now, fans can look forward to the possibility of seeing their favorite characters return to the big screen in a new and exciting chapter of Middle-earth’s story.

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