Jessica Alves Reveals She is a Sapiosexual Explains Dream Man

Jessica Alves Reveals She is a Sapiosexual Explains Dream Man

Jessica Alves, the former Celebrity Big Brother star, has recently opened up about her quest for love, revealing that she identifies as a sapiosexual. At 40, Jessica feels ready to settle down and find her ideal partner, now that she is content with herself after undergoing numerous surgeries. During an appearance on This Morning, she shared her non-negotiables in a man and explained what being a sapiosexual means to her.

When asked by hosts Ben Shephard and Cat Deeley about her dream partner, Jessica described her ideal man as intelligent, hardworking, adventurous, and fun to be around. She emphasized that she is attracted to intelligent minds, a characteristic of sapiosexuality, which means being sexually attracted to highly intelligent people.

Jessica looked stunning on the show, wearing a plunging turquoise power suit that highlighted her surgically enhanced features. Over the past 21 years, she has spent £1 million on more than 100 operations but now feels she has reached the end of her surgical journey. She expressed her happiness with her current appearance and her desire to live her life and inspire others through her experiences.

Despite her contentment with her physical transformation, Jessica mentioned one last surgery she hopes to undergo: a functional procedure on her vocal cords. She revealed that she had a vocal cord surgery four years ago and would like another one to improve her voice, which she dislikes. This dissatisfaction with her voice has led her to avoid radio appearances.

In her pursuit of love, Jessica has turned to dating apps like Bumble and Tinder. She shared that she is looking for a “nice, honest, hardworking man” after experiencing heartbreak with younger boyfriends in the past. Jessica noted that men on Bumble tend to be more serious and courteous, while those on Tinder are often just looking for casual encounters, which is not what she seeks.

Jessica’s journey to find love has not been without challenges. She mentioned that her dating app profiles are often reported as fake, leading to her accounts being taken down. She has to contact the app administrators to verify her identity and restore her profiles. Despite these setbacks, Jessica remains hopeful about finding her Prince Charming.

Being single at 40 is a daunting prospect for Jessica, who still dreams of getting married and having children. She has saved over £6 million for her wedding and continues to set money aside for this dream. Jessica is determined to have a princess wedding and is protective of herself to avoid getting hurt again.

Jessica’s experiences with gold diggers and wealthy men have made her cautious in her search for a genuine, hardworking partner. She values herself highly and is committed to finding someone who appreciates her for who she is, beyond her physical appearance and financial status.

Jessica’s story is a testament to her resilience and determination to find love on her terms. Her journey highlights the importance of self-acceptance and the desire for a meaningful connection based on intelligence and mutual respect. As she continues her search, Jessica remains an inspiration to others, showing that it is never too late to pursue one’s dreams and find true happiness.

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