Prince Harry homesick and eager to make amends with Meghan Markle focusing on winning over Hollywood

Prince Harry homesick and eager to make amends with Meghan Markle focusing on winning over Hollywood

Prince Harry is reportedly feeling a deep sense of homesickness and is eager to mend his relationship with Meghan Markle while focusing on winning over Hollywood. The Duke of Sussex, who currently resides in Montecito, California, with his wife Meghan Markle, is said to be eyeing properties in the UK. This move would allow him to visit more frequently and potentially initiate peace talks with his family.

Kinsey Schofield, host of the “To Di For Daily” podcast, shared with Fox News Digital that Harry’s feelings about his new lifestyle are mixed. “Harry is both content with his new lifestyle and homesick,” Schofield said. “It just depends on the day. Meghan has likely permitted him to try to establish an additional residence in the UK if that will make him happy, but I doubt she has any desire to participate in the process or visit.”

However, Schofield noted that Harry “won’t make any drastic or financial moves until he settles his security issues.” This sentiment was echoed by King Charles’ former butler, Grant Harrold, who told the New York Post that Harry had been considering properties in his home country. “It’s something that he’s wanted and been thinking about,” Harrold claimed. “Now he’s probably made the decision, that’s what he wants.”

Despite these plans, Meghan Markle appears to have no interest in returning to the UK. Schofield claimed, “She feels rejected by the UK and that does not sit well with her. Meghan is totally focused on winning over the elite in Hollywood.”

Meghan, a former American actress, became the Duchess of Sussex when she married Prince Harry in 2018. Since their royal exit in 2020, the couple has faced numerous challenges, including strained relationships with the royal family and intense media scrutiny. Harry has detailed these struggles in TV interviews, a documentary, and his memoir, “Spare.”

In February, Harry made a brief visit to London after King Charles was diagnosed with an undisclosed type of cancer. This visit was one of the few times Harry has seen his father since stepping down from royal duties. Harry expressed hope that his father’s illness could help bring the family closer.

Meanwhile, Meghan is reportedly focused on her Hollywood endeavors. Recently, her friend Nacho Figueras posted a photo of raspberry jam from Meghan’s lifestyle label, American Riviera Orchard, on his Instagram Stories. The polo player and model also hinted that Meghan is gearing up to release dog biscuits.

Despite these efforts, Meghan’s Hollywood ventures have faced setbacks. Her forthcoming podcast with Lemonada Media has reportedly been pushed back to next year. According to In Touch, the delay is due to concerns that the launch of her lifestyle brand would overshadow the podcast. “Meghan gets greedy,” an inside source told the publication. “She wants everything all at once, and it’s backfiring on her again.”

The source added that Meghan’s upcoming Netflix cooking show might also divert attention from the podcast. “That clearly didn’t go down well with Lemonada,” the source stated. “They surely expected to be Meghan’s priority project, but she must have decided she had bigger fish to fry with Netflix.”

The pushback of the podcast comes after Meghan’s Spotify series “Archetypes” was not renewed for a second season. The source says Meghan now desperately needs a hit with her Netflix show or her lifestyle brand to prove that she and Harry are still viable in Hollywood. “Almost everything they’ve tried has ended in disaster,” the insider declared.

In Tinseltown, A-listers reportedly have little respect for Meghan, who commands big bucks for her content. “Hollywood is glam and glitz on the outside, but the real stars have worked hard for their success — and you get the impression hard work isn’t really Meghan’s thing,” an anonymous source said. “Now, after all her failures, those A-listers — and the royals — are laughing at her.”

As Harry contemplates a new home in the UK, he faces legal battles over his security. In April, a High Court judge rejected his request to appeal an earlier ruling upholding a government panel’s decision to limit his access to publicly funded security. Harry argued that his private security team in the US does not have adequate jurisdiction abroad or access to UK intelligence information.

British broadcaster and photographer Helena Chard told Fox News Digital, “Meghan has made it quite obvious that she doesn’t want to spend any time in the UK and Harry will not do anything without her support.” Chard believes that while Harry might want a family home in the UK to rebuild family trust, it is up to him to make amends.

In June 2023, the palace’s annual Sovereign Grant report revealed that the couple had officially vacated Frogmore Cottage years after their royal exit. The cottage, which was renovated for $3.2 million, was intended as their main residence before they moved to California.

As Harry and Meghan navigate their new lives, the challenges of balancing personal desires with public expectations continue to shape their journey.

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