Scotty McCreery Recalls Priscilla Presley Telling Him Elvis Would Have Loved Him ‘Best Compliment’

Scotty McCreery Recalls Priscilla Presley Telling Him Elvis Would Have Loved Him ‘Best Compliment’

Scotty McCreery recently shared a heartwarming memory involving Priscilla Presley, which he considers the best compliment he’s ever received. During his appearance on The Jennifer Hudson Show on June 12, McCreery, now 30, reminisced about a special moment backstage at American Idol. He recalled meeting Priscilla Presley and the touching words she shared with him.

McCreery, who won American Idol at the tender age of 16 in 2011, was asked by Hudson about his favorite performance on the show. He fondly remembered singing “That’s All Right, Mama” by Elvis Presley during rock and roll week. The performance was already special to him, but it became even more memorable when he had the chance to speak with Priscilla Presley during a commercial break.

“I love Elvis, and performing his song was a highlight for me,” McCreery said. “But the real kicker was that Priscilla was there at the show. I got to talk with her between commercial breaks, and she looked at me and said, ‘Scotty, can I tell you something?’ I said, ‘Absolutely, Priscilla.'”

Priscilla’s words left a lasting impact on McCreery. “She said, ‘Elvis would’ve loved you,'” he recalled. “Oh my God. I had to sing after that! But that was the best compliment I’ve ever received.”

Reflecting on his journey since winning American Idol, McCreery described it as a “wild ride.” He expressed gratitude for the opportunities and experiences that have come his way since his victory on the show. “If someone had told me at 16 when I auditioned for the show, ‘Hey, 13 years later you’ll still be doing it. Writing country songs. Touring the country, the world, having fun’ — I would’ve shaken their hand in a heartbeat and said I’ll take that deal. This is fun,” he said.

Despite his success, McCreery made it clear that he has no interest in becoming a judge on American Idol. “Absolutely not. I don’t want to do that. Do you?” he asked Hudson, who also appeared on the show in 2004. “I know what it feels like being on the stage, being judged. I don’t want to put that on somebody else.”

On May 10, McCreery released his fifth studio album, Rise & Fall, which reflects on his journey since his teenage years on Idol. The album showcases his growth as an artist and a person. “Where I’m at, as a man and a husband and dad … I mean, life is just great,” he shared with PEOPLE at the time of the album’s release. “Career-wise, I’m not sure I’ve ever been more thankful. I’m just enjoying where I’m at, and I think making this record, I allowed myself to try new things because of that.”

McCreery emphasized his approach to the album: “This time around, I didn’t want to put up any guardrails — no rules. Let’s just go write what feels good.”

The heartfelt compliment from Priscilla Presley and the release of his new album mark significant milestones in McCreery’s career. As he continues to evolve as an artist, he remains grateful for the experiences and opportunities that have shaped his journey.

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