Stephen Colbert and Wife Evie Honor Late Dads for Father’s Day

Stephen Colbert and Wife Evie Honor Late Dads for Father’s Day

As America gears up to celebrate Father’s Day, Stephen Colbert and his wife, Evie McGee-Colbert, took a moment to honor their late fathers. The couple shared their heartfelt memories during a segment on “The Late Show” on Friday, blending humor with poignant reflections.

In a special edition of ‘First Drafts,’ Colbert and McGee-Colbert explored the creative process behind a few Father’s Day cards. The cards featured messages like “To my hero, role model, and best friend” and “Happy Father’s Day, master builder.” Each card came with its original message and a humorous punchline delivered by the couple.

The segment wasn’t just about jokes. Colbert and McGee-Colbert also shared their personal Father’s Day plans, which include spending time with their two eldest children. Colbert humorously mentioned, “Just tell them they don’t have to get me anything,” to which McGee-Colbert replied, “They’re coming. I think that’s a great gift.”

The conversation took a more serious turn as they opened up about their fathers, both of whom have passed away. Colbert’s father died in a plane crash in September 1974, while McGee-Colbert’s father passed away earlier this year. McGee-Colbert expressed her initial apprehension about the holiday, given her recent loss. “I was worried about this because my dad died just five weeks ago and I was a little worried about Father’s Day,” she shared. “But I want to say, I think Father’s Day and Mother’s Day and all of those days are wonderful chances to remember, not just the fathers you have now, but the ones you had who are still in your heart.”

Colbert responded with his own touching tribute. “I lost my father when I was 10, and your father was the greatest model that I never got to see in action,” he said. “My father was a great man, but to know your father for as long as I did was an incredible blessing in my life and he made every Father’s Day special to me. Thank you for making me part of your family led by that man.”

The segment concluded on a lighter note with one last greeting card setup: “You’re always there for me, Dad.” The couple’s heartfelt and humorous exchange served as a reminder that Father’s Day is a time to honor all fathers, both present and past.

“The Late Show With Stephen Colbert” airs weekdays at 11:35 p.m. EST on CBS.

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