Tom Morello Discusses Collaborating with His Son on First Solo Rock Album

Tom Morello Discusses Collaborating with His Son on First Solo Rock Album

Tom Morello recently shared insights about his upcoming solo rock album, marking a significant milestone in his illustrious career. The renowned guitarist, known for his work with Rage Against The Machine, Audioslave, and Prophets of Rage, is set to release his first solo rock single, “Soldier In The Army Of Love,” on June 28. This track is particularly special as it features a collaboration with his 13-year-old son, Roman.

Morello, who has been a prominent figure in the rock and metal scenes, spoke with NME at Download 2024 about this new venture. He described the experience of working with his son as both inspiring and humbling. During the pandemic, while many were picking up new hobbies, Roman dedicated himself to mastering the guitar, practicing for up to eight hours a day. This dedication has paid off, as Roman’s skills have reached a level that even impresses his father.

The genesis of “Soldier In The Army Of Love” came from a moment when Morello overheard Roman playing some powerful drop-D riffs in his room. Intrigued, Morello asked about the riffs, and Roman revealed that he had been working on them. This led to the father-son duo writing their first song together, blending their generational talents into a single track. Morello emphasized that the song is about the redemptive power of rock and roll, featuring massive riffs and a shredding guitar solo that challenges listeners to guess which parts were played by whom.

Morello’s excitement about this project is palpable. He shared that seeing his son put in the hours to become a great guitarist is incredibly rewarding. Unlike his own experience of learning guitar without the aid of modern technology, Roman has been able to leverage resources like YouTube to accelerate his learning process. Morello expressed pride in Roman’s dedication and skill, noting that his son is already a formidable guitarist.

The decision to release a solo rock album at this point in his career was driven by a desire to follow the music’s lead rather than adhering to a preconceived notion. Morello has previously explored various musical styles, from hip-hop and EDM influences to folk music. However, this album represents a return to pure rock and roll, a genre that has always been at the core of his musical identity.

Morello also reflected on the differences between working as a solo artist and being part of a band. While he appreciates the chemistry and collaborative energy that comes from being in a band, he also values the creative purity and control that solo work offers. This new album allows him to steer the music in the direction he envisions, creating a holistic presentation of rock and roll.

As for the future, Morello is focused on delivering powerful performances at Download and other upcoming shows across Europe. He is committed to giving audiences an unforgettable rock experience, drawing from his extensive discography and the new material he is working on. After his tour, he plans to return home to complete the album, ensuring that it meets his high standards.

Morello’s journey from a high school student with a passion for music and politics to a globally recognized guitarist and activist has been marked by a relentless pursuit of artistic and social justice goals. His unique guitar style, characterized by innovative techniques and a heavy use of effects, has earned him a place among the greatest guitarists of all time. His collaboration with his son on this new album adds a personal and generational dimension to his legacy, highlighting the enduring power of rock music to inspire and connect people across ages.

In summary, Tom Morello’s upcoming solo rock album, led by the single “Soldier In The Army Of Love,” represents a significant and personal milestone in his career. The collaboration with his son Roman not only showcases their combined musical talents but also underscores the timeless and redemptive power of rock and roll. Fans can look forward to a pure rock experience that reflects Morello’s artistic vision and his son’s emerging talent.

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