Wendy Williams’ Friend Says Guardianship Worse Than Britney’s

Wendy Williams’ Friend Says Guardianship Worse Than Britney’s

Wendy Williams’ friend has raised alarming concerns about the former TV host’s guardianship, claiming it is even more troubling than Britney Spears’ conservatorship. In an exclusive interview with The U.S. Sun, Regina Schell, Wendy’s lifelong friend, expressed her deep worries about the court-appointed guardianship that has taken control of Wendy’s life since 2022.

Regina pointed out that Wendy’s guardian, Sabrina Morrissey, was a complete stranger to Wendy before being appointed by the court. “This is a Britney Spears thing, only it’s worse since it’s not even Wendy’s family who has control,” Regina said. “At least with Britney Spears, it was her dad, it was her family. This is a woman who’s not even family.”

Regina questioned how Sabrina Morrissey gained such significant control over Wendy’s life. “Wendy was looking for real estate, she was talking to a financial expert at Bank of America to try to gain control of her finances,” Regina explained. “I don’t know how she went from being at least 90% Wendy to now being incapacitated and unable to see anyone.”

Regina emphasized that Wendy should be surrounded by friends and family, not isolated and alone. She previously opened up about her time living with Wendy in 2022, working alongside Wendy’s sister Wanda Finnie and the guardian to help with Wendy’s needs. However, Regina claimed that communication with Sabrina Morrissey eventually broke down, leading to issues with Wendy’s food deliveries and other essential needs.

In the aftermath of the “Where is Wendy Williams?” Lifetime documentary, Regina appeared on NewsNation to discuss her experiences while living with Wendy. She revealed that Wendy had no access to her money and had to go through the guardian for any financial transactions. Regina even had to send food from Los Angeles to New York because Wendy wasn’t receiving her deliveries on time.

Wendy Williams’ guardianship situation has drawn comparisons to Britney Spears’ conservatorship, which sparked widespread debate about the power wielded by court-appointed conservators and guardians. The producers of the Lifetime documentary cited Britney Spears’ case as a reason for telling Wendy’s story, highlighting the public importance of the issue.

Regina believes that Wendy has been forced into silence, as she hasn’t heard from her friend publicly in over a year. “Talking is Wendy’s life, her whole claim to fame is talking, and I don’t think she would be this quiet unless she was forced to be quiet,” Regina said. She questioned why no one is asking where Wendy is and why there hasn’t been any recent communication from her.

Wendy’s family has also expressed concerns about her guardianship. They claimed they do not know where she is and that the only person who knows her whereabouts is her court-appointed guardian, Sabrina Morrissey. Wendy’s sister Wanda told People, “The people who love her cannot see her.”

Regina echoed these sentiments, stating that Wendy should be surrounded by people who love and support her, not a stranger. She questioned how Wendy, who used to call her multiple times a day, hasn’t reached out in over a year. “She’s somewhere that she can’t reach a phone because Wendy can always get to a phone. If she could get to a phone, she’d be calling me,” Regina said.

Wendy Williams’ guardianship began in early 2022 when her bank, Wells Fargo, froze her accounts and filed a petition for a guardianship hearing. The bank cited concerns about financial exploitation, dementia, or undue influence. Wendy was subsequently placed under the guardianship of attorney Sabrina Morrissey.

Regina and Wendy’s family have been vocal about their concerns, questioning the motives behind the guardianship and the lack of transparency. Regina wonders what the end game is and how this situation will resolve when Wendy’s money is gone. She described the situation as having a “sinister vibe” and expressed frustration over the lack of communication and updates about Wendy’s condition.

As Wendy’s guardianship continues, her friends and family remain deeply concerned about her well-being and the control exerted by her court-appointed guardian. The situation has drawn significant attention, with many questioning the fairness and transparency of the guardianship process.

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