14 Best Opening Film Scenes We’ve Seen

14 Best Opening Film Scenes We’ve Seen

The opening scene of a film can set the tone for the entire movie, drawing viewers in and making a lasting impression. Over the years, there have been numerous films with unforgettable opening sequences that have captivated audiences from the very first frame. Here, we explore 14 of the best opening film scenes we’ve ever seen.

One of the most iconic opening scenes is from “Star Wars: A New Hope.” The film begins with a massive spaceship chase, immediately immersing viewers in the vastness of space and the intensity of the galactic conflict. The sight of the enormous Star Destroyer pursuing the smaller Rebel ship is a visual spectacle that has become legendary in cinema history.

Another memorable opening is from “The Dark Knight.” The film starts with a meticulously planned bank heist orchestrated by the Joker. The tension and chaos of the robbery, combined with the reveal of the Joker’s true identity, set the stage for the dark and thrilling narrative that follows.

“Saving Private Ryan” also boasts a powerful opening scene. The film begins with the harrowing D-Day invasion of Normandy. The visceral and unflinching depiction of the battle immediately conveys the horrors of war and the bravery of the soldiers, making it one of the most impactful war film openings ever.

In “Inglourious Basterds,” Quentin Tarantino delivers a masterclass in tension with the opening scene. The film starts with a chilling conversation between SS Colonel Hans Landa and a French dairy farmer. The slow build-up and the eventual reveal of the hidden Jewish family create an atmosphere of dread and suspense that grips the audience.

“Jaws” opens with a scene that has terrified generations of moviegoers. The film begins with a young woman swimming in the ocean, only to be attacked by an unseen force beneath the water. The combination of John Williams’ iconic score and the unseen threat creates a sense of fear that lingers throughout the film.

The opening of “Raiders of the Lost Ark” is another classic. The film starts with Indiana Jones navigating a booby-trapped temple to retrieve a golden idol. The sequence is filled with action, suspense, and humor, perfectly introducing the character of Indiana Jones and setting the tone for the adventure that follows.

“Up” by Pixar delivers an emotionally powerful opening montage that tells the life story of Carl and Ellie. In just a few minutes, the film takes viewers through their entire relationship, from their first meeting to Ellie’s death. The sequence is heartwarming and heartbreaking, establishing a deep emotional connection with the audience.

“Gladiator” opens with a breathtaking battle scene. The film begins with General Maximus leading his troops into a fierce battle against the Germanic tribes. The intense and brutal combat, combined with the stirring score, immediately immerses viewers in the epic scale of the story.

In “The Matrix,” the opening scene introduces viewers to the film’s unique blend of action and sci-fi. The film begins with Trinity being pursued by agents, showcasing the film’s groundbreaking special effects and setting up the mysterious and intriguing world of the Matrix.

“Drive” opens with a tense and stylish getaway scene. The film begins with the Driver expertly evading the police after a heist. The sequence is a masterclass in tension and cool, perfectly introducing the character and the film’s tone.

“Casino Royale” reboots the James Bond franchise with a gritty and intense opening scene. The film begins with Bond earning his 00 status by completing his first two kills. The black-and-white sequence is raw and brutal, setting the stage for a more grounded and realistic take on the character.

“Mad Max: Fury Road” opens with a high-octane chase scene. The film begins with Max being captured by the War Boys and escaping their clutches. The relentless action and stunning visuals immediately immerse viewers in the post-apocalyptic world of the film.

“Pulp Fiction” opens with a seemingly mundane conversation between two robbers in a diner. The casual dialogue suddenly turns into a tense and violent robbery, setting the stage for the film’s nonlinear narrative and unique blend of humor and violence.

Finally, “The Lion King” opens with the iconic “Circle of Life” sequence. The film begins with a stunning montage of the African savannah, culminating in the presentation of Simba. The combination of the breathtaking animation and the powerful music creates a sense of wonder and majesty that has captivated audiences for generations.

These opening scenes are just a few examples of how filmmakers can use the first moments of a film to captivate and engage viewers. Each of these scenes sets the tone for the rest of the film, drawing audiences in and making a lasting impression. Whether through action, emotion, or suspense, these opening sequences are some of the best we’ve ever seen.

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