Only Here Only Now by Tom Newlands Review – Growing Up with ADHD

Only Here Only Now by Tom Newlands Review – Growing Up with ADHD

**Only Here, Only Now by Tom Newlands Review – Growing Up with ADHD**

In the 1990s, on a council estate in post-industrial Fife, Scotland, 14-year-old Cora Mowat is navigating a challenging adolescence. Living with her wheelchair-bound mother and a revolving door of her mother’s boyfriends, Cora’s life is marked by scarcity, school struggles, and the complexities of friendships. Adding to her challenges, Cora experiences restlessness, impulsivity, and difficulty focusing—symptoms of undiagnosed ADHD.

**A Vivid Coming-of-Age Tale**

Tom Newlands’ debut novel, *Only Here, Only Now*, is a poignant and vibrant coming-of-age story. Through Cora’s eyes, readers are introduced to a world filled with poverty, prejudice, complex family dynamics, addiction, and grief. Despite these heavy themes, the novel is infused with warmth and humor, largely due to Cora’s vivid descriptions and observations of her gritty surroundings and the diverse cast of characters she interacts with.

**Exploring Relationships and Self-Discovery**

The relationships Cora forms are beautifully explored, highlighting the unexpected warmth and connections she discovers, as well as her journey to distance herself from those who let her down. Newlands’ dynamic Scottish vernacular immerses readers in Cora’s world, capturing her restless mind, worries, vulnerabilities, tenacity, and hope. Cora dreams of escaping the limitations of her small-town life for the bright lights of Glasgow, where she hopes to find her place in the world. However, the novel also explores the reality that escaping one’s roots is not always as fulfilling as it seems.

**A Unique Protagonist**

Cora Mowat is a unique and compelling protagonist. Her undiagnosed ADHD is central to her voice and understanding of the world around her. Newlands’ portrayal of Cora’s neurodivergence is nuanced and authentic, reflecting his own experiences with ADHD. Cora’s highly observant nature, unique sensory experiences, empathy, courage, quick thinking, and creative brain are all tied to her ADHD, making her a richly developed character.

**A Journey Through Time and Place**

The novel is set in Newlands’ homeland of Fife, but he wrote it while living in London during the COVID lockdown. This period of isolation allowed him to reflect on his childhood in Scotland, capturing the resourcefulness, spirit, and humor of that time. The novel spans four years, following Cora from age 14 to 18, as she matures and makes sense of her upbringing and herself.

**A Fresh Perspective in Scottish Literature**

*Only Here, Only Now* stands out in the genre of Scottish bildungsroman by offering a female perspective. Cora is not the typical “glue” holding her family together; she is driven, blunt, and determined to achieve more than what her environment offers, even if she hasn’t figured out how. This perspective throws a male-dominated culture under the spotlight, providing a fresh and necessary viewpoint.

**Representation and Responsibility**

Newlands felt a sense of responsibility in representing Cora’s neurodivergence accurately. He received feedback from many female neurodivergent readers during the writing process, ensuring that Cora’s experiences were portrayed authentically. The novel is not just about raising awareness; it’s about the universal experiences of family, friendship, and self-discovery, with Cora’s ADHD present on every page.

**A Promising Debut**

*Only Here, Only Now* is Newlands’ debut novel, and it has been in the works for several years. The COVID lockdown provided him the opportunity to turn his extensive notes into a full-fledged novel. He is currently working on his second novel, building on the success of his debut.

**A Message of Hope**

At its core, *Only Here, Only Now* is a story of resilience and hope through hardship. Newlands hopes readers take away the message to not let anyone dilute their dreams and aspirations. Cora’s journey is a testament to the strength and determination required to overcome life’s challenges, making this novel a must-read for anyone interested in a heartfelt and authentic coming-of-age story.


*Only Here, Only Now* by Tom Newlands is a stunning debut that captures the essence of growing up with ADHD in a challenging environment. With its authentic voice, rich character development, and exploration of complex themes, this novel is poised to become a modern classic. Cora Mowat’s story is one that will resonate with readers long after they turn the final page.

**Source:** Phoenix Books, NetGalley, Orion Publishing Group

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